The Government Services Union (GSU) has over 12,000 members organized into 24 Locals across the country, representing most of the workers at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), as well as some employees of Shared Services Canada, and the Royal
The Government Services Union (GSU) has over 12,000 members organized into 24 Locals across the country, representing most of the workers at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), as well as some employees of Shared Services Canada, and the Royal
Bursaries ATW Funding TCET Student Loans OSAP Better Jobs Ontario Students Admission International Students Already in Canada Student Services Better Jobs Ontario Bursaries ATW Funding TCET Student Loans Placement Assistance Academic Requirements English Proficiency Requirements ...
The income from the GE was in theory ring-fenced for student bursaries. Graduates could either pay it in cash or add the liability to their existing student loan (or take out a first-ever loan) to defer the payment. Because of exemptions for HNC/D students, including those on “2+2” ...