GOs are a key component of the energy transition as they provide transparent tracking of origins of renewable energy within the EU and help facilitate investment into renewable energy projects. The verified certificates, each representing 1 MWh from renewable energy sources, can b...
Fitch Affirms Wilson, NC's $9.8MM GOs at 'AA'; Outlook Stable Rating Action Commentary / Wed 17 Apr, 2013 Fitch Affirms Wilson, NC $12.3MM GO's at 'AA'; Outlook Stable Rating Action Commentary / Wed 27 Apr, 2011 Fitch Affirms City of Wilson, NC's General Obligation Bonds at '...
” said Jesus Argilagos, who lives in Manati and works at a grocery store that is only open part of the day because of the power crisis. “People get pissed off because they see them going back and forth and not doing anything.”...
The Duma, the state assembly, has its legislative chambers in the former Gosplan building at Okhotny Ryad. Several important ministries and federal agencies also have their headquarters in the White House, now the headquarters of the Russian government. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in a ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Public Engagement with Romanian Government Social Media Accounts during the COVID-19 Pandemic Vasile Gherhes, , Mariana Cernicova-Buca * and Marcela Alina Fărcas, iu Department of Communication and Foreign Languages, Politehnica ...