Even in provinces that do allow private shops or dispensaries, including Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, small businesses face high barriers. It costs almost $5,000 just to apply for a license, and if approved, $23,000 each year thereafter in regulatory fees, with provinces often adding ...
in 1670 as part of Rupert's Land and used by fur trappers during the 1700s, the area became part of the Northwest Territories in 1870 shortly after Canadian Confederation. The influx of settlers that followed led to the creation of Saskatchewan as a province in 1905. Regina is the capital...
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - For three straight years, Alberta's government granted Canada's most emissions-intense oil sands facility reductions in payments that polluters are required to make for generating higher emissions than most of the industry, a govern...
https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/rich-person-booked-all-446-rooms-at-alberta-canadian-lodge-for-65-days-shtf-retreat Navy to train in Washington state parks? https://komonews.com/news/local/navy-gets-ok-for-special-ops-training-at-some-wash-state-parks ...
Even in provinces that do allow private shops or dispensaries, including Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, small businesses face high barriers. It costs almost $5,000 just to apply for a license, and if approved, $23,000 each year thereafter in regulatory fees, with provinces often adding ...