Government: Net hiring in August = zero jobsAndrew Edwards
The UK government's decision to rollback and delay policy commitments designed to help achieve net zero by 2050 will be challenged in the High Court later this year. On March 4, 2024, the High Court granted television presenter and environmental advocate Chris Packham CBE permission to proceed ...
The road to net zero presents numerous challenges and will require collaboration between policy owners, business leaders, SMEs, societal stakeholders and those that can mobilize finance to accelerate the transition. As part of BSI’s Net Zero Week, this general introductory webinar explores the legisl...
the High Court found that the government's Net Zero Strategy was 'unlawful' because it does not meet the obligations under the Climate Change Act to produce detailed climate policies that show how the UK's legally-binding carbon budgets will actually be met. During a two-day hearing at the...
Power generationpolicies: A variety of power generation policies are met around the world. More specifically, these policies include feed-in policies, renewable portfolio standards, net metering, tax reduction or exemptions, grants, low-interest loans, and public competitive bidding/tendering mechanisms....
“It is understandable that DESNZ and its predecessor BEIS has focused on dealing with the immediate energy crisis over the past 12 months. But one consequence of this is that it lacks a delivery plan for decarbonising power by 2035, which is the backbone of its broader net-ze...
5.2. Key policy implications The results and conclusions of this research raise the question: how can local authorities achieve their Net Zero carbon commitments in the absence of a duty to act or a formal governance mechanism, linking national and local ambition as part of a well-resourced, co...
Through its use of electric vehicles, the US government stands to serve as a role model for accelerating progress in the electrification journey and reaching net-zero commitments.(8 pages)In 2021, the Biden administration issued two executive orders intended to encourage more widespread adoption of ...
Join us at an FT Live event Discover unmissable flagship events and members only communities to expand your thinking and elevate your career FT Live Clean Power and Net-Zero: What’s Next for the UK? Accelerating decarbonisation while safeguarding energy resilience...
Impacts government budgets/net deficits The Federal Reserve System In the U.S., the Federal Reserve System directs the country's monetary policy. The Federal Reserve System—also called "the Fed"—is the central bank of the United States. Established in 1913 by Congress, the Fed controls the...