Government Legislation and Regulationdoi:10.1016/B0-12-226865-2/00139-5Kathryn A. SatersonEncyclopedia of Biodiversity
government increased regulation in many industries. Also, the government came up with such major legislation as the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act. The Sherman Antitrust Act was designed to break up monopolies like Standard Oil and American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), ...
The Chilean reform involved the following sequential measures: (i) establishment of an independent sector regulator, (ii) corporatization of state-owned enterprise, (iii) legislation for electricity sector liberalization, (iv) unbundling (vertical separation) Context and drivers of reforms The initial ...
(2019) point out public participation legislation has suffered from an implementation gap, leading to the proliferation of environmental protests across China. There are indications that protests may result in the improvement and creation of local institutions that facilitate public participation, which in...
The telecommunications sector has a long history, with regulation picking up speed with the 1912 and 1927 Radio Acts. Government oversight hasn't been a straight line—far from it—but instead has varied with each presidential administration. Net neutrality, for example, had a 15-year jo...
Second, to avoid a Senate filibuster, Trump and congressional Republicans will want to use “reconciliation” legislation, but there are budget rules that require some degree of deficit neutrality using that legislative vehicle. So how will Trump fit a size-18 fiscal agenda into a size-4 outfit...
Proposed government legislation would result in 100 more people being jailed each year, according to estimates January 30 2025 Robert Shrimsley The ‘conservative international’ battle with Britain This time around, the Trump victory comes as the UK is vulnerable to potent arguments from the right ...
Governments affect the economy and business through legislation, regulation, and monetary policy. Browse Investopedia’s expert written library to learn more.
For example, a large smelter makes money for itself while polluting the surrounding air and water. In these two cases, it is impossible to adjust and maintain the market by itself. The government must regulate the market through legislation or administrative means. For example, tax cuts or ...
Although the consumption and supply of many specific drugs are currently illegal in Australia, some academics believe that this type of legislation incurs greater costs (through enforcement costs and the like) than benefits. Milton Friedman, for example, was a strong advocate of the freedom of ...