“Biomass: History’s energy workhorse,” Biomass district energy in Enderby BC, replacing potato farming jobs in Prince Edward Island, PHVAC Jan 2015. “Miscanthus: Canada’s Energy Crop of the Future,” Leamington, Corporate Knights, Spring 2014. ...
The Yonge-Eglinton Centre has been one of the fastest-growing Urban Growth Centres out of the five in Toronto.
Why aren’t they doing their fking jobs and arresting these wankers? This country is a fking madhouse. thetruthnotdoctrine April 2, 2022 @Zibbe Zabba There are no police, just Rothschild goon corporate policy officers and/or revenue collectors – fleecing the citizen slaves. They’re no ...
We've lost jobs, homes, businesses, taken paycuts, and seen our taxes go up. And the government, these fat lazy bereaucrats and union slobs refuse to deal with less. Most of generation Obama doesn't get this because they're still living off the fat of their parents and think bashing...
In addition to GM's in-house lobbyists, four lobbyists from Hance Scarborough, the Austin, Texas-based firm that Hance founded in 1994, are working on GM's behalf, including Hance, according to disclosure records. GM also contracted with two other lobbying firms earlier this year to focus ...