As you know, trying to get money through a conventional bank, can be very time consuming and requires good credit plus a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you've been denied. These Private and Government Funding Programs don't have to operate under the same stringent requirements that...
Government assistance is available for single mothers with low or no income. View our list of government programs and other resources.
First of all, contrary to the signs and what the city of Chico has said, Measure H funds were not a viable part of this job. Most of the money – ask Mike Mangas over at KRCR news – came from federal and state grants that have been in place for almost 10 years. The city is be...
about 77 percent of small business owners rely on personal savings in the first few months. If you're planning to start a business or expand an existing one, consider using government grants. These
Small-business owners should review the Small Business Administration’s directory of services, which lists information and resources for starting a new business and the latest information on business law. The administration also assists small-business owners with finding startup funds through grants, ...
work-study programs will still be paid if they're unable to fulfill their obligations because of the coronavirus pandemic. For students who drop out of school as a result of the coronavirus, their grades also won't affect the academic requirements to continue receiving Pell Grants or st...