Home insulation grantsHome insulation measuresThis paper presents an analysis of historical data on UK Government expenditure for home insulation grants and the effect that this had on the uptake …[ L.D Shorrock]Energy PolicyShorrock, L.D. (1999), "An Analysis of the Effect of Government ...
But interfering with wholesale prices could have unintended consequences, such as deterring investors and companies that are ploughing billions of pounds into power stations to help the UK reachnet zero emissions, says Lowrey. That is why any intervention on wholesale costs needs to be ...
The Scottish Government has effective control over the general operations of the Council – it is responsible for providing the statutory framework, within which the Council operates, provides the majority of its funding in the form of grants and prescribes the terms of many of the transactions th...
The UK Electoral Register has two formats – the edited Electoral Register which is available for any commercial use, but does not contain the entire UK electorate as individuals are able to ‘opt out’; and the full Electoral Register which can only be used by companies ...
“Environmental nightmare provides HVAC Solution,” Quebec cheese plant self-generated biogas, bio-digestor from Toulouse, refrigeration waste heat recapture, sophisticated monitoring and control, modern effluent treatment, insulated pipe, HEPA filters for IAQ, government grants for manufacturers, PHVAC Mar...
As the UK gets ready to leave the European Union, the government has issued £10.1m in grants to 124 business organisations to help them prepare the firms they represent for the UK’s scheduled departure from the European Union on 31 October....
To supportsolar panelinstallations on homes, the government should make solar and energy storage systems eligible for support under the means-tested portion of the floundering Green Home Grants scheme. This would give households without capital, including social housing tenants, £10,000 to make the...
Grants are higher in Wales and Northern Ireland (where students also only have to borrow for the first £3,900 of their fees: true for Welsh students anywhere in the UK, for NI ones in NI). Actual borrowing Figures on annual borrowing by income are published annually by the Student ...
(1999), "An Analysis of the Effect of Government Grants on the Uptake of Home Insulation Measures," Energy Policy, 27, 155-171.Shorrock, L. D. (1999). "An analysis of the effect of Government grants on the uptake of home insulation measures." Energy Policy 27(3): 155-171....