ACCA P2 考试: IAS 20 Government Grants IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance considers the accounting treatment for government grants that are income-based grants and asset based. This section only considers the issues relating to asset-based grants. Accounting...
This Standard deals with the accounting treatment of government grants, along with the disclosure requirements for government grants and government assistance. Scope The requirements of this standard are applicable for the recognition and measurement of government grants including the discl...
ACCA P2 考试: IAS 20 Government Grants IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance considers the accounting treatment for government grants that are income-based grants and asset based. This section only considers the issues relating to asset-based grants. Accounting...
Accounting for grants as a deferred credit is considered to be inconsistent with the IASB's Framework, and reducing the carrying amount of assets by a grant is not accepted by some. IAS 20 deals with the accounting treatment and disclosure requirements of grants received by enterprises from a ...
IAS 20 deals with the accounting treatment of government grants. Which of the following statements correctly describes the treatment of capital grants?A. Spreading the grant over the useful economic life of the asset.B. Recognising the grant in full when it is applied for.C. Disclosing a cont...
They should not be credited directly to shareholders' interests. 13. Two broad approaches may be found to the accounting treatment of government grants: the capital approach, under which a grant is credited directly to shareholders' interests, and the income approach, under which a grant is ...
IAS20–AccountingforGovernmentGrants Entrywhengrantreceived: (a) Dr.Cash 25 Cr.Deferredgovernmentgrant 25 Or (b) Dr.Cash 25 Cr.Equipment 25 * IAS20–AccountingforGovernmentGrants Entryasassetisused: (a) Dr.Depreciationexpense 20 Cr.Accumulateddepreciation 20 Dr.Deferredgovernmentgrant5 ...
This paper provides evidence on several matters relating to accounting for government grants under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Focusing on grants related to assets, we trace the development of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 20, outline some of the problems of current acc...
Instead, IFRS prescribe so-called“income approach”– to recognize grants as income over the relevant periods to match them with the related expenditures or costs they should compensate. Specific accounting treatment depends on the purpose of the grant received. An entity can receive a grant either...
With regard to government grants and accounting for it which of the following statements is accurate? A. The asset related grant may be reported either on deferral method or offset method B. Government grant should preferably be accounted for on accruals basis...