If possible you can offer proof that you will never be able to pay back this grant, and the money should likely be yours to keep. These grants are able to do many positive things for you. They can provide you with a debt relief solution by providing money to you without having to ask...
Debt Relief the Next Big Issue as Syriza Shifts Far from Original Positions ; Challenges Remain as the Greek Government Settles into Its New TermLynch, Suzanne
Unfortunately, the only EUA the FDA initially granted was for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s test. Despite evidence that the CDC test was unreliable, the FDA persisted in requiring test EUAs that it seemed unwilling to grant. Testing was essentially unavailable during February ...
executive branch,Executive Office of the President- the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws legislative branch- the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating judicial branch- the branch of the United States government re...
This 1.2 hectare former manufacturing site closed in 1999 and stood idle for several years, but has since attracted significant public investment from the outside—a DNR Site Assessment Grant, funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, an earmark from the area's congressional...
Education is split between discretionary spending and the Pell Grant program, which has both mandatory and discretionary components. Social services and employment and training have a mix of mandatory spending (much of it coming from the broadbased Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block...
We will grant tax breaks to enterprises that invest in basic research, and improve our policies on accelerated depreciation of equipment and tools and on preferential corporate income tax for new- and high-tech enterprises. All these measures amount to a large injection of government funding to ...
Government Executive is the leading source for news, information and analysis about the operations of the executive branch of the federal government.
We will grant tax breaks to enterprises that invest in basic research, and improve our policies on accelerated depreciation of equipment and tools and on preferential corporate income tax for new- and high-tech enterprises...
The national debt is the amount of money a federal government owes creditors. National debt is accumulated when a government sells debt securities—Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, in the case of the U.S.—worth more than the revenue it brings in through, for example, taxes. Creditors can...