Posted inAsset Forfeiture,Government Thuggery, taggedAsset Forfeiture,Government Thuggeryon May 1, 2023|1 Comment » It’s hard to pick the worst government policy since there are so many options. Death tax– The IRS penalizing saving and investment by grabbing money just because someone dies. ...
Act government Gazette Gazetted Notices for the week beginning 02 June 2011Act government Gazette Gazetted Notices for the week beginning 13 October 2011Act government Gazette Gazetted Notices for the week beginning MayTerritory Records Act
Act government Gazette Gazetted Notices for the week beginning 21 July 2011Surgery Oral Health
Australian GovernmentGazetteNo. C 07, Tuesday 5 July 2011Published by the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme - NICNASCHEspecial notices
Act government Gazette Gazetted Notices for the week beginning 20 October 2011Contact Officer: Andrew Snedden (02) 6205 0199 Applications can be forwarded to: The Recruitment Officer Legislative Assembly Secretariat GPO Box 1020 CANBERRA ACT 2601...