After the Gazette-Mail reached out to the state police Monday with inquiries about the seizure, and after weeks of Smith calling police, the Jefferson County prosecuting attorney and local politicians, Smith said an officer returned her and Patlias’ possessions in full Thursday evening. Speaking ...
“Copies of statutes, official gazettes, ordinances, regulations, proclamations, journals, orders, appointments to office, notices thereof and other public documents purporting to be published by or under the authority of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or ...
GazetteoftheRepublicofCroatia,theprovisionspublishedintheOfficialGazetteoftheRepublic Croatiashallprevail. Alltherelevantinformation,documentsandnoticesconcerningthistenderareavailableonthe websiteoftheMinistryofEconomyat.mingo.hrandCroatianHydrocarbonsAgencyat ...
After the Gazette-Mail reached out to the state police Monday with inquiries about the seizure, and after weeks of Smith calling police, the Jefferson County prosecuting attorney and local politicians, Smith said an officer returned her and Patlias’ possessions in full Thursday evening. Speaking ...