My driver's license number is ... (US)My driving licence number is ... (UK)→ Mi número de lincencia de conducción es ... License plate number ... (US)Registration number ... (UK)→ La matrícula es ... Do you need a fishing license? (US)Do you need a fishing permit? (...
OFSI, which continue to enforce and license activities with respect to financial sanctions. In addition, UK government guidance states that the Department for Transport will also gain civil enforcement powers under the Regulations in connection with aircraft and shipping...
Fishing is a proud industry and its struggle has been propelled to prominence in the debate on the EU referendum next month. Griffin Carpenter argues that, despite what Brexit: The Movie claims, the genuine grievances of the fishing industry should be directed at the UK government, not the EU...
The UK Electoral Register has two formats – the edited Electoral Register which is available for any commercial use, but does not contain the entire UK electorate as individuals are able to ‘opt out’; and the full Electoral Register which can only be used by companies ...
Under a Creative Commons license Open accessAbstract Executive turnover is important in the governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Herein, we focus on the executive turnover of China’s SOEs, and the implementation of related evaluation mechanisms under different levels of government interventio...
Switching the UK’s small-scale fishing fleet to electric or hybrid engines will contribute to the UK’s target of net zero by 2050, as well as yield significant savings in operating costs, a new report has found. The report, Electrifying the Fleet, by the University of Hull, ...
Kerala motor vehicles dept suspends license of two in. Kozhikode Fact check: Can three dates a day prevent hair loss and boost growth? Meenchantha to get longest overbridge in Kozhikode district Five MBBS students killed in car accident Priyanka takes oath ,wearing Kerala’s traditional Kasav...
“The successful candidates will be a couple, one of whom must possess a Coast Guard commercial boat operator’s license,” the not-for-profit which operates the location wrote in a press release. “They will operate the five-room inn, serving both dinner and breakfast, as well as providing...
“child pornography” are the Unspeakable Evils that make this draconian policy incontrovertibly necessary, it’s actually an open-ended fishing expedition with a broad net to catch any possible violation of any law. Given the proliferation of laws in this country, it’s a license for CBP, ...
Axis 1: Targeted cf. General inspections. Targeted inspections and monitoring activities focus on one or a few key species (e.g., Asian hornet [Vespa velutina] in the United Kingdom [Gov.uk2017]). General inspections, such as BioBlitzes (Silvertown2009; Looney et al.2016; Doing it Toget...