开放经济的国民收入,是本国和外国花费在本国生产要素生产的商品和服务的总和:Y = C + I + G + EX – IM ? Y 代表GNP ? C 代表消费 ? I 代表投资 ? G 代表政府购买(government expenditure)? EX 代表出口价值 ? IM 代表进口价值 经常项目等于国民收入与国内居民花费的差额:Y – (C+ ...
Define Government investment. Government investment synonyms, Government investment pronunciation, Government investment translation, English dictionary definition of Government investment. Noun 1. government bond - a bond that is an IOU of the United St
that part of the economy concerned with the transactions of the government. Government receives income from TAXATION and other receipts and influences the workings of the economy through its own spending and investment decisions ( GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE) and through its control (via MONETARY POLICY and...
Also, governments around the world rely upon the private sector to produce and manage a country’s goods and services and utilize public-private partnerships to finance, design, build, and operate infrastructure projects. In the 2005-10 period alone, the total value of public-private partnerships,...
Define Government budget. Government budget synonyms, Government budget pronunciation, Government budget translation, English dictionary definition of Government budget. n a legislative bill providing money for the public treasury Collins English Diction
Hence, there is a macroeconomic rationale for control of local government expenditure. However, central control would clearly limit local autonomy, as recognized in the above quotation.doi:10.1007/978-1-349-27415-4_5Stephen J. BaileyPalgrave Macmillan UK...
was applied to some programs on a selective basis but never had the impact its designers envisaged. A similar attempt was made in the United Kingdom in the introduction ofprogram analysis reviews (PAR), but again attempts to evaluate systematically the whole of government expenditure were unsuccess...
Alexander Teytelboym, in Research in Transportation Economics, 2010 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D as percentage of GDP in a selection of countries in 2007. Source: OECD (2009). View article Taxation under Asymmetric Information Richard W. Tresch, in Public Finance (Third Edition), 2015 ...
I’m not usually a Bible guy, but there’s also something in there about a 7-year business cycle, and the whole business of government ‘economics’ is to try to prevent it by spending money it doesn’t have until the whole rotten mess collapses. ...
Define Capital (government). Capital (government) synonyms, Capital (government) pronunciation, Capital (government) translation, English dictionary definition of Capital (government). money; principal; city serving as a seat of government; involving dea