At TopGovernmentGrants we are interested in the role that government, small business and the nonprofit sector/philanthropy play in creating healthy and vibrant communities. To that end, we aggregate information from a variety of sources and meld it into interesting stories of this process at work...
Government Grants By AgencyWe are interested in the role that government, small business and the nonprofit sector/philanthropy play in creating healthy and vibrant communities. 26 Federal agencies announce Grants every day. Agency for International Development Consumer Product Safety Commission ...
economic affairs—including transportation, general economic & labor affairs, agriculture, natural resources, energy, and space—were $243 billion, or an average of $1,850 for every household in the U.S.[74] [75] * Excluding federal grants (which are counted under federal spending), from...
“Environmental nightmare provides HVAC Solution,” Quebec cheese plant self-generated biogas, bio-digestor from Toulouse, refrigeration waste heat recapture, sophisticated monitoring and control, modern effluent treatment, insulated pipe, HEPA filters for IAQ, government grants for manufacturers, PHVAC Mar...
If government funds research grants, it’s likely to cause academics to pursue more of that research, and perhaps even to create new majors or open new research centers. Graduates in those new majors, in turn, can influence industry to create workforce development programs to integrate new ...
Most of these grants can and should be immediately eliminated. In a few cases (such as Medicaid reform), the changes would take several years. In all cases, however, the ultimate goal should be to get Washington out of the business of subsidizing activities that should be solely the responsi...
mic issues, …from energy-price inflation and low investment to the weakening of flagship industries. But it has a more fundamental cause: citizens’ declining faith in the state. The much-vaunted French social model, a product of the postwar decades that combined state-led investment, welfare ...
November 1, 2023 What are your options if you can’t afford a roof repair or replacement and don’t qualify for a loan? Free government grants could make your project more budget-friendly. This post will teach you how to get these services at no … ...
(2023) and divide all climate-related bigrams into three groups: those related to investment opportunities (e.g., renewable energy or efficiency), those related to physical risk (e.g., sea level or warm climate), and those related to regulatory risk (e.g., carbon tax). We then compute...
The Trump administration’s directives to “pause” grant funding and to terminate certain grants and contracts sent shock waves through the government contracts and non-profit sectors. Although the “pause” in grant funding has been temporarily halted by a federal court (as of January 28), othe...