Government Salaries Database69,5M Employee Records 178,3k Government Employers 319,2k Government Jobs Explore By State Alaska [468] Alabama [1331] Arkansas [3964] Arizona [2838] California [21684] Colorado [2710] Connecticut [2663] District of Columbia [379] Delaware [2445] Federal [1213] Flori...
Government employee unions and other defenders of the status quo often will argue that such numbers are comparing apples and oranges because bureaucrats tend to be older and working in fields that require greater skills. Those are legitimate arguments (indeed, similar to the arguments that debunk th...
Beaumont, Texas, Mayor Becky Ames flouted her city’s shelter-in-place order to have her nails done. But these examples are trivial compared to the actions of Neil Ferguson, the officious British government employee who has been publicly hectoring his countrymen to follow stay-at-home orders, ...
texas state employees. a 2014 survey found that the current texas group benefits program of health insurance was adequate for most employee families but seen as too expensive by a significant minority. the current health insurance regime was also seen as duplicative for employees whose spouses also...
***This is why we need to put a freeze on government employee hiring and beginshifting jobs from nonessential government offices to essential governmentoffices as openings become available.*** At the same time, declareZoning, as it is in fact, unconstitutional. This will open the way for pri...
Unreimbursedemployeebusiness expenses: Returns...1,000..15,546754371,0641,6211,7067,0703,572 Amount...Mil.dol..68,4972061,7804,4917,0267,26028,82918,906 Returnswithstatutoryadjustments: Numberofreturns2...1,000..32,1544,0864,1423,5083,0892,9179,0795,333 Amountofadjustments...Mil.dol..98,04...
Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said the 12th Secret Service employee implicated in the events was staying at the Hilton in Cartagena, not the Hotel Caribe, the hotel that has garnered most of the public attention. The agent is now on ...
Four points to keep in mind The Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division (DOJ) recently made good on a 2016 promise to pursue and prosecute criminal actions against companies and individuals for “wage-fixing agreements” (agreements to limit or fix employee wages, salaries, benefits, or othe...
Those emails will outline whether an employee is exempt, expected or furloughed. As CNN has previously reported, so-called “commissioned officers” — including those with titles like special assistant, deputy assistant and assistant to the president — will be required to report for duty...
Those emails will outline whether an employee is exempt, expected or furloughed. As CNN has previously reported, so-called “commissioned officers” — including those with titles like special assistant, deputy assistant and assistant to the president — will be required to report for duty ...