The study did not consider the impacts of significant factors, including countries' inflation rate, climate change proxied by CO2 emissions, countries’fiscal determinants such as tax revenue on within-regional government health spending. Thus, this study can still be improved....
Domestic scholars' studies on enterprise innovation efficiency are relatively few, and scholars have mainly explored the influencing factors of enterprise innovation efficiency (Kong, Yang, & Wang, 2023). The comprehensive technological innovation effectiveness in Chinese logistic listed companies lags signifi...
but during the crisis period, the role of the government should take the economy into a recovery position. The stock market is the backbone of the financial system that needs the government’s attention, especially in the period of financial...
Aiming to protect low-income tenants, the government in July imposed rent controls on thousands of homes, introducing a system of rating properties based on factors such as condition, size and energy efficiency. The Affordable Rent Act introduced rent controls on 300,000 units… The Netherlands ...
Over the past year, China’s economy was impacted by Covid-19 and other domestic and international factors beyond our expectations. However, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we carried out Covid-19 response and pursued economic and social development in an effective and...
This burgeoning trend is fueled by diverse factors, as evidenced by the UAE government's embrace of the Metaverse to enhance administrative functions' effectiveness and efficiency (Kshetri, 2023a). Notably, the country's Ministry of Economy has established its headquarters in the Metaverse to ...
By analyzing the carbon emissions of various industries in my country, the carbon emissions © The Author(s) 2023 J. Sun et al. (Eds.): SSESD 2022, ASSEHR 684, pp. 316–328, 2023. Research on the Relationship 317 of the chemical ...
The augmented model includes the co-integration relationship that differs across countries when the unobservable common factors are part of the country-specific co-integrating relationship. This method provides the long-run parameters for the aggregate panel as well as the underlying country-specific ...
respectively. However, Nigeria and Gambia had the lowest average government expenditure as a share of GDP between 1999 and 2021 (see Figs.3and4). Some of the factors responsible for this increase in government expenditure include inflation in inputs used in the production of public sector goods...
After considering all the above factors and situation, the government can make strategic choices, that is whether to subsidize the energy vehicle manufacturer and consumer, and its strategy is set as (subsidizes, not subsidizes). The consumer, the energy vehicle manufacturer and government are ...