This paper examines the impact of government incentives policies designed to promote the adoption of hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs). As a primary methodology, it employs cross-sectional analysis of hybrid registration data over time from US states to test the relationship between hybrid adoption and...
"The government says it is targeting its incentives where they have the most impact and deliver the greatest value for money. Whilst we welcome that there is an incentive in place for electric van buyers, we know the biggest barrier to entry for a retail electric car buyer is price. Surely...
Federal Tax Credit.The original registered owner (and in case of leasing, the carmaker) can get up to $7,500 of federal tax credit for an all-electric car (EV, like a Nissan LEAF) or a plug-in hybrid electric car (PHEV, like a Chevy Volt). The actual amount is related ...
Electric taxisCharging behaviorGPS trajectory dataSubsidyGenetic algorithmThis paper presents an optimization framework to determine the government incentive schemes to promote battery electric vehicle (BEV) taxis. The impacts of drivers' operating behaviors, charger network coverage, BEV range, vehicle costs...
Electric vehiclesSystem dynamicsBehavioral experimentAs a disruptive technology, electric vehicles (EV) help tackle smoggy weather and to reduce the dependence on unsustainable oil imports, attracting great attentFeng, BoLai, FujunYe, QiwenSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The future of electric car charging Cities support the electric vehicle boom with new infrastructure development. OACETT Magazine cover feature, April 2022. Clean tech solutions we’re ramping up fast ...
aElectric automobile; supply chain; government subsidy; incentive scheme; social welfare 电动汽车; 供应链; 国库补助金; 刺激规划; 社会保障[translate]
Revel introduced the city's first all-electric rideshare fleet and has been building the public charging infrastructure to help all TLC-licensed drivers have convenient, reliable access to affordable fast charging. In the last year, Rubinson has helped Revel partner with elected leade...
[35]shows that government incentive measures can promote consumers’ acceptance of NEVs, thus promoting the development of NEVs. Kim et al. [36]constructed a discrete choice model to explore the influence of consumers' asymmetric preferences on the probability of choosing electric vehicles. Orlov ...
the subsidy does not have a significant effect upon the electric car market. That said,as stated by Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive, the UK is now the only major European market to have zero upfront purchase incentive for electric vehicle car buyers, but the most ambitious plans for uptake...