According to data from the World Bank and the three largest credit-rating agencies, at least 33 of the DSSI-eligible countries were either close to or in debt distress--ie, struggling to meet their repayment obligations. The 73 countries eligible for the DSSI were due to spend over $31bn ...
The paper is based on the analysis of public data on 178 countries, extracted from the IMF and the World Bank databases. The findings demonstrate that the values of the government debt, expressed as percentage of GDP, decrease for the whole world but increase for the developed countries. The...
China launched a three-year debt-to-bond swap program in early 2015 that required local governments to replace outstanding debts by local government bonds. Since most of the swapped and newly issued local government bonds were he...
Public sector net debt amounted to 88.9 percent of gross domestic product in the United Kingdom during the 2023/24 financial year, rising to 97.8 percent when the Bank of England is included.
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2004,达-87.174百万美元,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2023,为-15,182.700百万美元。CEIC提供的外债净额:一般政府:长期:货币和存款数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于全球数据库的德国 – Table DE.World Bank.QEDS: Net External Debt。
Theseyield variationssignificantlyimpact both savers and states. For savers, higher yields mean better returns on investments but can also result in higher borrowing costs. For states, lower yields reduce the cost of financing debt, making it easier to manage public budgets. Conversely, higher yields...
While high interest rate has pushed down the inflation in the United States, it also triggered major events such as financial turmoil in the United States, banking crises in Europe and the U.S., and the debt crisis for U.S. government. During the interview with SFC reporter, Thomas J. ...
A Yield Curve is a graph that shows the relationship between interest rates (or yields) and different maturities of debt for a specific borrower, often government bonds. It typically plots yields on the y-axis and maturities on the x-axis, ranging from short-term to long-term bonds....
The public debt is calculated daily. After receiving end-of-day reports from about 50 different sources (such as Federal Reserve Bank branches) regarding the number of securities sold and redeemed that day, the Treasury calculates the total public debt outstanding. The total debt amount is release...
Conflicts of interest, reputation, and the interwar debt crisis: Banksters or bad luck? This paper builds a new dataset with detailed information on the universe of foreign government bonds issued in New York in the 1920s and uses these data t... M Flandreau,NJ Gaillard,U Panizza - C.E...