Separately,Governmentbureaux and departments also keep relevant statistics relating to their activities. 另外,各政策局及部门也就其本身的工作备存相关的统计数据。 UN-2 Aseparate Governmentministry had been established in # to promote their well-being ...
1. 府办公署 什么意思_英语bureaux在线翻译... ... bureaux office 办公室government bureaux办公署 ;府办公署THE BUREAUX 与英国 ...|基于104个网页 2. 政府办公署 ...些重要事项:西兰公国采用君主立宪政体;行政权力授予政府办公署(government bureaux);政府办公署的职能;公民的 … ...
security that provide references and guidance to Government bureaux and departments on the protectionofGovernment informationsystems. 儘管如此,香港特別行政區政府已發布基準資訊科技 保安政策(Baseline IT Security Policy)和一系列有關資訊科技保安的指引,作為政府政 策局和各部門...
bureaux and departments [...] 代理主席,我們在尋求實際可行的解決辦法,讓政府有足夠時間作出準 備以符合各項聯合國公約所要求的標準時,採納了平等機會委員會的建議, 藉制定條例草案新訂第 9B 條,對政府施加一般法定責任,使當局須在最直 接有關的政策局及部門訂定“平等計劃”。
Keep the relevantbureauxanddepartmentsoftheGovernmentoftheHKSARinformedaboutthelatestdevelopmentsin theMainland; 向特区政府有关决策局和部门汇报内地的最新发展; 9. ImmigrationDivisionof theEconomicandTradeOfficeoftheGovernmentoftheHKSARinGuangdong;and ...
other government bureaux and departments, and any other organisations for the a. 索取該等資料以作上文第 1 段用途的其他政府決 purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above, and b. other persons as permitted by the relevant legislation. 策局及部門;以及 b. 按有關法例獲准的其他人士。 查閱個人...
The government forms the administration that is composed of numerous bureaux and departments that execute and implement policies (Niskanen, 2007; Self, 2010). In a laissez-faire economy, economic freedom is promoted and guaranteed in the hands of individuals who conduct businesses, engage in ...
aAs a large consumer of ICT equipment, estimated to be over HK$5.5 billion this year, the Government’s procurement policies can help shape market behaviour. The Government is committed to using green ICT technologies and we have required bureaux and departments to take into account environmental ...
By identifying the key areas for more focused study, these indicators provide useful reference in policy formulation and evaluation 各決策局及部門在制訂和評估政策時,亦需要同時參考其他相關資料,包括更詳細及具體的地區特定指標、相關的研究和分析,以及諮詢結果等 Bureaux and departments will also draw ...
An overview of how Power BI Premium can help your organization address the challenges of large enterprise deployments and workloads without needing to license each user individually Pricing_Free CTA_Services Ø Bureau - Réservations de bureauxSolutions Victrix Inc, les Power BI apps+2Application de...