Government Auto Auctions - U.S. Treasury Auctions, U.S. Marshals Auctions, U.S. Customs & Border Protection Auctions, Police Auctions, Sheriff Auctions, Public Online Auctions of Seized Vehicles Conducted by Apple Auctioneering Co.
And I’ve had the pleasure of talking with Sylvia Flores to understand how these auctions work…she is extremely informed & goes out of her way to answer any questions I have had! Now register & go bid & don’t forget to have fun! Thanks to all, Rhonda Martin Irving Texas Date of ...
Bid Contract maintains the most comprehensive list of US government contracts, government bids, government auctions, RFPs (RFP, request for proposal), RFQs (RFQ, request for quotation), RFIs (RFI, request for information), government projects, government
Bid Contract maintains the most comprehensive list of US government contracts, government bids, government auctions, RFPs (RFP, request for proposal), RFQs (RFQ, request for quotation), RFIs (RFI, request for information), government projects, government