2000. The state and governance issues and challenges in perspective. International Review of Administrative Science. (66), 227-240. London: Sage.Thynne I . 2000 . The state and governance: issues and challenges in perspective . International Review of Administrative Sciences 66 ( 2 ): 227 –...
research by Chinese and international scholars on China’s politics, diplomacy, public affairs, and social and economic issues for the international academic community. More information about this series at /series/15023 Lin Ye Editor Urbanization and Urban Governance in China Issues, Challenges, and ...
Discusses the complexity of academic governance and reviews theoretical perspectives in scholarship on governance. Diverse environmental issues such as accountability and competition; Challenges related to faculty retirement in the next ten years; Idea that institutions have to respond efficiently and effective...
Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and Opportunit... This survey of current issues and controversies in environmental policy and management is unique in its thematic mix, broad coverage of key debates and ...
Several scholars have studied sports governance and proposed methods to promote its development. For example, Blanco (2017) studied the problems, challenges, and prospects of sports governance and suggested that excellent sports governance is highly equivalent to social, economic, and political development...
(SCO). When addressing the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO this September, Xi called on the members to crack down on terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as effectively meet the challenges in data security, biosecurity, outer space security and other non-...
in virtual format, Xi raised his concerns for global security over such issues as the outdated yet still hovering Cold War mentality, power politics as well constantly emerging traditional and non-traditional security threats. And he also shared his perspectives on how to meet those challenges. ...
In light of new global challenges for international cooperation and coordination, such as the revival of protectionism, surge of populism, or energy-related issues, this volume highlights possible scenarios for the future of Global Economic Governance (GEG). The contributing authors analyze the substanc...
The article addresses the theme of foresight and equality in the area of stakeholder participation in governance. Empirically, the case at hand illustrates the challenges posed by stakeholder participation based on the concept of 'Inclusive Foresight'. A still understudied aspect of inclusive foresight ...
The rule of law in cyberspace is an important tool of digital governance and a marker of digital progress, the white paper read. Facing the opportunities and challenges brought about by digitalization, China will follow the global governance principle of achieving shared growth through consultation an...