GoveeBTTempLogger creates a log file, if specified by the -l or --log option, for each of the devices it receives broadcasted data from using a simple tab-separated format that's compatible with loading in Microsoft Excel. Each line in the log file has Date (recorded in UTC), Temperatur...
for (auto const& dir_entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator{ CacheDirectory }) if (dir_entry.is_regular_file()) if (dir_entry.path().extension() == ".txt") if (dir_entry.path().stem().string().substr(0, 10) == "gvh-cache-") ...
Govee Home is a great home automation platform, but it does not offer all of the features that some users may be looking for. For example, Govee Home currently lacks support for voice control and integration with other third-party services. Additionally, Govee Home may not have the same leve...