Water Trucks(5) Welding(43) Welding Supplies(1) Welding Trailers(6) Welding, Miscellaneous(4) Wind and Solar Energy Generation(8) Woodworking Equipment(21) Woodworking Machinery(34) X X-Ray Inspection Systems(1) Top Trending Items ONLINE AUCTION ...
Diesel Trucks & Buses:An on-road heavy-duty diesel or alternative-diesel vehicle operated in California may be subject to the California Air Resources Board Regulation to Reduce Particulate Matter and Criteria Pollutant Emissions from In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. It, therefore, could be ...
business days of auction closure. 2. any invoice $5,000 or above requires payment via wire transfer. 3. depending on your history with govdeals, you may be limited to the number of auctions/transactions that you can participate in simultaneously and/or the dollar amount that you can pay ...
description must be made prior to removal of the property. if seller confirms that the property does not conform to the description, seller will keep the property and refund any money paid. the liability of the seller shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property. diesel trucks ...
makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property offered for sale. please note that upon removal of the property, all sales are final. for diesel trucks and buses “an on-road heavy-duty ...
description must be made prior to removal of the property. if seller confirms that the property does not conform to the description, seller will keep the property and refund any money paid. the liability of the seller shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property. diesel trucks ...
makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property offered for sale. please note that upon removal of the property, all sales are final. diesel trucks & buses: an on-road heavy-duty diesel ...
1000 submit your question can you provide pictures of the undercarriage/frame? thanks. 03/06/2024 07:43:39 am i can. just check for updated pictures in next few days. will tell you that these are southern trucks and have been housed inside since 1980. 03/06/2024 08:57:29 am how ...
description must be made prior to removal of the property. if seller confirms that the property does not conform to the description, seller will keep the property and refund any money paid. the liability of the seller shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property. diesel trucks ...
description must be made prior to removal of the property. if seller confirms that the property does not conform to the description, seller will keep the property and refund any money paid. the liability of the seller shall not exceed the actual purchase price of the property. diesel trucks ...