美国白宫宣布,自 1 月 19 日(周三)开始,人们可以通过 COVIDTests.gov 网站订购免费的 COVID-19 测试工具。此前,乔·拜登总统在 12 月宣布,政府将建立一个网站来分发 5 亿份测试工具,而现在白宫兑现了这个承诺。 想要获得 COVID-19 测试工具,你只需要输入两条信息-- 你的名字和地址。白宫在其公告中说,在...
In January 2022, the White House launched COVIDTests.gov, which made all U.S. households eligible to receive free-to-the-user at-home test kits distributed by the U.S. Postal Service (2). By May 2022, more than 70 million test kit packages had been shipped to households across the ...
The covid19.ca.gov website is designed to answer the questions Californians have about COVID-19 and the public health measures taken across the state to control it. It presents real-time public health information that is accurate, easy to read, and actionable. It provides a single source of...
CDC is retiring the Coronavirus Self-Checker webpage on October 7, 2022. Refer to theCOVID-19 symptoms pagefor information on when to seek COVID-19 testing and medical care. Overview This project collects automated screening protocols and self-checker algorithms from organizations implementingCDC sc...
拜登总统亲自演示如何在政府官网COVIDTESTS.GOV下单领取免费抗原快速试剂盒。 自2022年1月19日开始官网申请免费试剂盒以来,到目前为止,仅短短十天时间,已有超过6000万个家庭住址通过该网站进行了申请。 美国共约1.26亿个家庭住址,每个家庭住址可以免费申请4个试剂盒。
Characteristics and Strength of Evidence of COVID-19 Studies Registered on ClinicalTrials.gov Krishna Pundi, MD1;Alexander C. Perino, MD1;Robert A. Harrington, MD1;et alHarlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM2;Mintu P. Turakhia, MD, MAS1 Author AffiliationsArticle Information ...
核酸检测。进入相关机构网页方法如下:进入网址http://covid-19.moh.gov.my/fasiliti-kesihatan/hospital-swasta-dan-klinik-swasta-berdaftar-untuk-covid19,再点击“Muat Turun”,进入医疗机构名单下载界面,即可自行选择就近医疗机构进行检测,费用需自理。中国相关部门只接受核酸检测结果,不接受血清抗体等其他新冠病毒...
Nextgov/FCW: This month marks a decade since the launch of HealthCare.gov. What has changed since then? Hsiang:Thelaunchof COVID tests [website]… provides a nice bookend. It's not exactly the same, right? It wasn't called for in legislation. Obviously, it's not as complicated....
On Saturday, Hong Kong registered 190 new COVID-19 cases by nucleic acid tests, and 173 additional cases through self-reported antigen rapid tests, official data showed.■
Azerbaijan received 5,000 COVID-19 test kits donated by the Chinese government to help the country curb the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, the authorities said Thursday. (Chinese Embassy to Azerbaijan/Handout via Xinhua) Prev 1 2