Facebook has been planning to extend this default to its Messenger app — which appears to have become a major focus of UK anti-encryption efforts. The plan also involves making personal appeals to Facebook’s founder, targeting him “as a father, not as a businessman...
policy.manchester.ac.uk Policy@Manchester | The University of Manchester Skip to main content. A collection of ideas and analysis on key devolution issues. Top Social Responsibility accolade for our policy engagement work. Read our latest briefing on the EU-US trade negotiations. Irregular migrants...
judiciary.gov.uk Courts and Tribunals Judiciary Courts and Tribunals Judiciary. Legal year and term dates. The judiciary, the government and the constitution. Who are the judiciary? You and the judiciary. What do I call a judge? Judiciary in the community. You be the judge. Related offices ...
plan.gravesham.gov.uk Simple Search Skip to main content. Online Applications can be submitted via the Planning Portal. Ndash; Simple Search. Search for Planning Applications and Appeals by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address. Weekly / Monthly Lists. Or si...
Executive note to the Town and country planning (appeals) (Scotland) regulations 2008. SSI 2008/434Scottish Government
Paplan.lbbd.gov.uk Paplan Lbbd. Appeals and Enforcements by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address. What’s new on Paplan.lbbd.gov.uk: Check updates and related news right now. Unfortunately, we cannot detect RSS feed on this website, but you may...
CIR 4/2013 Planning appealsScottish Government
The Use of Density in Planning3. Existing Policy- Comparisons with Other Boroughs4. The Application of Existing Density Policy5. Appeals6. Density Policy in the London Plan7. The Effects of the Application of London Plan Policies8. Transport Corridors9. Existing Densities10. Existing Densities on...
Policy note to the Town and country planning (determination of appeals by appointed persons) (prescribed classes) (Scotland) amendment regulations 2015. SSI 2015/236Scottish Government
Executive note to the Town and country planning (determination of appeals by appointed persons) (prescribed classes) (Scotland) regulations 2010. SSI 2010/467Scottish Government