Apply to visit, work, study, settle or seek asylum in the UK Working, jobs and pensions Includes holidays, finding a job and redundancy Featured Find a job Search and apply for jobs in England, Scotland and Wales. National Insurance
More on GOV.UK HMRC services: sign in Check MOT history of a vehicle Tax your vehicle Universal Credit Foreign travel advice Check your State Pension age Childcare account: sign in Student finance: sign in Self Assessment tax returns Apply for a passport ...
HMRC is the UK’s tax, payments and customs authority, and we have a vital purpose: we collect the money that pays for the UK’s public services, and help families and individuals with targeted financial support. We do this by being impartial and increasingly effective and efficient in our...
Welcome to GOV.UK热度已经达到152;以上网站数据仅供参考,建议大家以官方数据为准!更多Welcome to GOV.UK数据如:访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用户体验、品牌价值观等;请联系Welcome to GOV.UK的官方提供。如该站的IP、PV、跳出率等! 特别声明 本站血鸟导航提供的Welcome to GOV.UK相关数据内容都来源于网络...
The new usage of AI on the GOV UK… The new usage of AI on the GOV UK portal is a real mess! It just came to make our lives miserable! "Confirm someone’s identity" results: "The details were correct but our online checks couldn't confirm them". Tried 6 times. What a joke! Ca...
UK Check VAT (Independent Publisher) UKG Pro HCM UKG Pro WFM Employee UKG Pro WFM People UKG Pro WFM Timekeeping Unix Timestamp (Independent Publisher) Unofficial Netflix Search (Independent Publisher) Unsplash (Independent Publisher) Updates App (Microsoft 365) Updown (Independent Publisher)
This package provides custom widgets to style R Shiny apps using the GOV.UK design system. To view details and advice on how to use the GOV.UK components please visit, most components should be available to use through this package. Installatio...
OJ-2347Create abandon page Proposed changes Created the abandon page What changed Added the abandon page and associated feature tests Why did it change To be included in sprint work. Issue tracking...
Are you suspicious of a Spouse, neighbor or Coworker? Check them out today! Conduct Tenant and landlord Checks, Before the move! Locate Social Security Numbers (SSN) and Social Insurance Numbers (worldwide), Also SIN Records Is there a sex offender or recent inmate, inmates in your neighborh...
Make the World Your Classroom. United Kingdom: Engineers in London. Looking to study abroad in the UK? The NC State Study Abroad Office offers over 20 programs for students in various majors in the UK, alone. These programs cover studies such as engineering, design, culture, economics, histo...