Hong Kong 完整職位描述 工作地點:九龍灣 工作時間:星期一至五 08:30 - 17:30 月薪:$120,000 - 133,000 ***如合適者,同事會以Whatsapp進一步與您聯繫 要求: 1. 持有科學/工程相關學士學位 2. 具15 年以上於環保領域的全職工作經驗,當中至少 4年廢棄物管理相關全職工作經驗(優先考慮具有處理廢棄...
Hong Kong 完整職位描述 工作地點: 旺角 工作時間: 每周5天工作,每天8小時(09:00 - 18:00 或 13:00 - 22:00) 月薪:$15,000 - $19,000 ***如合適者,同事會以Whatsapp進一步與您聯繫 要求: 1. 副學士/高級文憑/文憑 2. HKDSE/HKCEE:中英文 Lv 2/E (接受政府綜合招聘考試CRE Lv1) 3....
9. Copy Job Details 10. User-friendly UI Remark: This is not an official application of Government Vacancies Enquiry System of Civil Service Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). For official website, please visit https://www.csb.gov.hk/. ...
job seeker's valid travel document if the job seeker does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card. Offenders are liable upon conviction to a maximum fine of $150,000 and to imprisonment for one year. In that connection, the spokesman would like to remind all employers not to defy ...
The Security Bureau of the HKSAR government also updated the outbound travel alert webpage regarding supplementary information for Cambodia to remind residents to exercise caution and beware of overseas job scams. Meanwhile, following the meeting with the consul-general of Thailand in Hong Kong, Chris...
Job (工作職務):N.A. Address (辦公地址): N.A. Telephone (電話號碼):(852)2537 1910 Fax Number (傳真號碼):(852)2523 7195 E-mail Box (電子郵箱): puborder@isd.gov.hk Website URL (網站網址): www.isd.gov.hk/chi/prelease.htm Country / Area (國家/地區): Hong Kong, China (中國香港...
excelant job online survey (Current Employee) - Dubai - 23 September 2021 very intresting job for extra income at home.during covid19 people took advantage of th9s k8nd of job .that helps people to get something eithet not getting anything. Pros freelance Cons long hours Was this review ...
3.3 K −141 Traffic value $108 +1 Domain Rating 34 Pages 1.8 K Unlock more data with Ahrefs Get an in-depth look at the organic search traffic and backlink profile of any website or URL. Try Starter Plan See All Plans Learn more ↗ ...
Top/Regional/Asia/Hong_Kong/Business_and_Economy/Employment http://www.jobs.gov.hk/ Jobs.gov.hkhas1 URLs listed in 4 Dmoz categories. Related Sites:Myjob.com.hk,Hkjobs.com,Careertimes.com.hk,Elogjobs.com,Classifiedpost.com,Michaelpage.com.hk,Jg-job.com,Itotalsearch.com,Agonhospitalitycare...
Jobs.gov.hk has 1 URLs listed in 4 Dmoz categories. Labour Department - Interactive Employment Service Provides job posting and job search functions, and employment-related information such as tips for job seekers and statistics. http://www.jobs.gov.hk/ Top/Regional/Asia/Hong_Kong/Business_and...