Executive orders signed by Gov. Mitch Daniels shortly after he was sworn into office on Monday
Government Executive is the leading source for news, information and analysis about the operations of the executive branch of the federal government.
tive orders 1st day NJ Gov. Christie signs 8 executive orders 1st dayNJ Gov. Christie signs 8 executive orders 1st dayBETH DeFALCO
Gov. Greg Abbott issued Executive Order GA44 on March 27, obligating higher education institutions in Texas — including UTD — to punish what he described as increasing antisemitism on college campuses linked to the Israel-Hamas war. To comply with the order, UTD must revise its fre...
Gov. Orders Suspension Of 11th Grade Test in Fla.The article reports that Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued an executive order that suspended the state's 11th grade standardized test in collaboration with Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart....
The premier source of breaking business news for the government contracting industry, GovCon Wire provides informative, to-the-point stories of the most significant contract awards, top-level executive moves, M&A activities and financial results of the sector’s most notable players. GovCon Wire is...
Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order Friday that addresses mask usage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Executive Order 2020-147 reiterates that Michiganders are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space. The order also now requires the...
Gov. Jared Polis extended four pandemic related executive orders on Saturday, including an order that provides a one-time state payment to those who have collected unemployment benefits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
ByalanonJanuary 17, 2013in"Streamlining" and "Improvement",Environmental Quality Board,Gov. Dayton's Executive Orders The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) solicited comments on itsReport Card, developed per Gov. Dayton’sExecutive Order 11-32. I sent some in, which are below, and wouldencourage...
Newsom spoke over Zoom on Friday about his plans to prepare for another Trump presidency. "I think he's going to come harder. He's going to come faster, executive orders day one. We're taking him at his word," Newsom said. One of the highest-profile California policies in jeo...