It is hypothesized that by assessing the muscle belly with multiple medial sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sections at the medial scapular body, the Medial Scapular Body鈥揋outallier Classification (MSB-GC) will improve reliability and repeatability, giving a more representative approximation ...
Netzer C. Assessing Fatty Infiltration of Paraspinal Muscles in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Goutallier Classification and Quantitative MRI Measurements. Front Neurol. 2021 Sep 3;12:656487. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.656487. PMID: 34539538; PMCID: PMC...
Now the Goutallier classification is being used with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Not only is there debate on the validity of the use of this system in MRI, but current literature is unclear as to the clinical use of the Goutallier classification. There will be significant inter- and ...
Post-operative rotator cuff integrity, based on Sugaya’s classification, can reflect abduction muscle strength of the shoulder Article 22 June 2017 Serial structural MRI evaluation of arthroscopy rotator cuff repair: does Sugaya’s classification correlate with the postoperative clinical outcomes? Art...
Methods: Patients affected by symptomatic LSS scheduled for surgery with available MRI of the lumbar spine were included in this retrospective cross-sectional study. Fatty infiltration at each lumbar level was rated qualitatively according to the Goutallier classification and quantified based on the ...
MRIDixonQuantification of rotator cuff intramuscular fatty infiltration is important for clinical decision-making in patients with rotator cuff tear. The semi-quantitative Goutallier classification system is the most commonly used method, but has limited reliability. Therefore, we sought to test a freely...
A quantitative alternative to the Goutallier classification system using Lava Flex and Ideal MRI techniques: volumetric intramuscular fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus muscle, a cadaveric studySUPRASPINATUS musclesLAVAROTATOR cuffINTER-observer reliability...
MRIGoutallier classificationfatty infiltrationBackground: Fatty infiltration of the muscle bellies is an important prognostic factor in rotator cuff tears. It was described initially in computed tomography examinations, and there is an ongoing debate about whether magnetic resonance (MR) is a reliable ...
Goutallier classificationMR spectroscopyMagnetic resonance imagingRotator cuffConventional fat quantification methods for rotator cuff muscles have various limitations, such as inconsistent reliabilities of the Goutallier grades and need for advanced techniques in quantitative MRI sequences. We aimed to examine...
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of the Goutallier classification system (GCS) for grading muscle fatty degeneration in the lumbar multifidus (LM) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. Methods Lumbar spine MRI scans were obtained retrospectively from...