Life’s inspiration and adventures, those valuable moments in memories, complete the delicate fragrances with the poetic stories of each perfume and precious ingredients. Meet GOUTAL, which lives a beautiful life through scent. Visit and Follow Us Please refer to the below website for more informat...
Regarding the specificAnnick Goutal(Annick Goutal) perfume, rose perfume, or start from two: a little drunk, roses and rose absolute. Ce Soir Ou Jamais (either tonight, or never), Offenthal 1927 a year had used the name perfume, the taste has not test; 72 years later,Annick Goutal(Annic...
Perfume's Club中文官网售价€113.06,约758.37元,大牌领劵折上94折! 订单满€99可在购物车领取赠品一份,近期好价,感兴趣的值友可以入手。 商品介绍: 前调:粉红胡椒 土耳其玫瑰。中调:没药 乳香。后调:皮革 可可。 ○适用群体:适合所有女士使用。
Womens perfume Eau de toilette Delivery & returnsSelfridges Plus “An ode to joy and mischief” is how French label Annick Goutal describes the scent of its Eau de Charlotte eau de Toilette. First introduced in 1982 and named after the late perfumer’s step-daughter, a lover of...
Perfume Organ是一个由超过600个透明圆柱组成的环形装置,展示了GOUTAL的尊贵香水系列。而Story Garden则是一个充满自然气息的区域,让人仿佛置身于一个花园中。Sensory Lounge则是一个私密的化妆间,装饰有银色叶片和黄金枝叶的吊灯,为顾客提供了一个奢华的体验环境。 🖼️ 店内的壁画由法国插画家Ophelia Jacarini...
Goutal 古特尔 哈德良之水淡香精中性香水 EDP 100ml€108.86(约795.66元)什么值得买甄选出Perfume's Club中文官网优惠促销商品,包括其他品牌中性香水报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
模仿巴黎本店風琴設計的Perfume Organ 外層糅合樂器的層次與竹枝的形態而設計,內藏多枝品牌出品 Frank和設計團隊把店子想像成Annick的現代巴黎居停,而這種想像更從店外設計入手,三道華麗拱門以石灰岩、銅料和大理石等組裝而成,散發著法式建築的宏偉與優雅個性,而香檳色的亮眼裝潢...
perfume集装箱 20-12-11 11:18 来自微博 Goutal 和 调香师 Isabelle Doyen 合作新成立的小众品牌Voyages Imaginaires | L'échappée Sauvage | 2020前调:香柠檬 无花果 柠檬 粉红胡椒中调:杏仁 水仙花基调:雪松 鼠尾草 愈创木 零陵香豆Voyages Imaginaires | Azahar | 2020前调:香柠檬 柑橘中调:苦橙...
Annick Goutal is the world-famous French perfume. It has never been changed since its initial use. The elegant bottle body, the golden bottle, A and a bow tie, the only change is the bow color of the bottle. It is the insistence of the brand to stress the quality and pursue the orig...
据外媒报道,爱茉莉太平洋已与Interperfume签订了转让Goutal的合同。与此同时,Interparfums集团也于近日宣布其子公司Interparfums SA已收购爱茉莉太平洋欧洲持有的Maison Goutal品牌在全球范围内的所有知识产权。 根据协议,爱茉莉太平洋欧洲将在特定期限内继续以许可协议的形式运营该品牌,而Interparfums子公司Interparfums SA将从...