Feed gouramis two to three times daily. Ensure the food is small enough to fit into the fish’s mouth, and only give the fish an amount that can be eaten within two to three minutes. Gouramis can be fed green vegetables, such as zucchini, occasionally. Disease Gouramis rarely get sick...
Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful towards other fish species and is therefore often kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species. If you place several Dwarf Gourami males together, they can become quite territorial but this can usually be solved by keeping them in a large enough ...
One of the types of fish caught by fishermen in Sungai Dua is the three spot gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus). The three spot gourami fish is a type of freshwater consumption fish that has high economic value. But the fishes only rely on catches from nature. If the fishing is carried ...
Hole in the head disease(HITH) causes pale, eroding holes on an infected fish’s head. These gradually get larger, providing an entry point for other pathogens. Potential causes are uncertain but moving the fish to a different tank without activated carbon often leads to improvement. Ich(white...
It will for instance eat frogs, fish, earthworms and aquatic plants. If given the opportunity, it will gladly feed on dead animals. It important to keep it on a varied diet in the aquarium and make sure that it obtains carnivore as well herbivore food types. Giant Gourami breeding: Out...
star fish Saona Island pay attention to this one plz! this is a survey that we filled out for our hotel. Danny wrote: I CAN HEAR NEIBOURGH CLEARLY (M. L.) yes, 他们听到了激烈的,欲生欲死的隔壁传来的ML的声音,还有撞墙的声音,附带男人不断的说oh my god, oh my god. haha, it’s ...
Both the culture system and types of feed had significant effects (p < 0.05) on the growth performance of giant gourami juveniles. The fish survival was more affected by the types of feed rather than the culture systems, in which the treatment with artificial feed (P) had the lowest ...
FISH pondsFISH culturistsCESIUM isotopesThe present study was based on a participatory action research (PAR) design with the objectives of developing a participatory health care model for farmers and stakeholders involved in snakeskin gourami fish farming in Bang Bo District. The study was conducted ...