Gouramis are compatible with most similar-sized, peaceful species. Avoid boisterous or fin-nipping fish, such asbettasandtiger barbs. Ideal tank mates include: Gouramis: Female gouramis appreciate the company of their own kind. Male gouramis shouldn’t be kept together unless the tank is large...
Dwarf Gourami tank mates: Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful towards other fish species and is therefore often kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species. If you place several Dwarf Gourami males together, they can become quite territorial but this can usually be solved by keeping...
Tankmates This species is usually peaceful and can be kept with other species that are not too large or aggressive. Other brightly colored species can sometimes cause male gouramis to become aggressive as they are mistaken for rivals. Peaceful, small schooling fish are suitable tank mates as wel...
Combining Sparkling Gourami with more assertive and aggressive tank mates can lead to starvation, since the Sparkling Gourami will not compete well for food. Nippy fish species and notorious bullies must also be avoided. Since the Sparkling Gourami inhabits standing or lazy water in the wild, ...
We have talked about their aggression and how to deal with it, but most of the time they remain peaceful. If you choose the right tank mates, it should not be a problem at all. They are hardy fish thateven beginners will be able to handleif they have done their research. ...
Rosy tetras are another great choice when it comes to angelfish tank mates. They are beautiful, very active and peaceful fish. They will accept similar food as angelfish and they need similar water parameters. Can Gouramis live with bettas?
Guppies and gouramis will get along really well. ... In general, though, guppies and gouramis are good tank mates and you can create a great relationship between them. In addition, you can always add other peaceful fish species such as tetras and other similar fish, if you want to live...
Reproductive behavior can be elicited by signals that animals learn to associate with mates during repeated sexual encounters. Although researchers frequently have speculated about the evolutionary function of this Pavlovian-conditioned ... KL Hollis,EL Cadieux,MM Colbert - 《Journal of Comparative Psycho...