梅赛德斯-AMG车手Jules Gounon驾驶经过改装AMG GT3赛车在巴瑟斯特12小时耐力赛上以1分56秒60的圈速成绩创造了全景山赛道GT赛车的新纪录。#汽车资讯# http://t.cn/A6Y0uzm4
Alpine车队储备车手 Jules Gounon 将在本周末的 #世界耐力锦标赛WEC##伊莫拉6小时赛# 代表车队出战,代替三月份在阿拉贡测试中撞车导致腰椎骨折的正式车手 Ferdinand Habsburg 。 这将会是这位梅赛德斯-AMG厂队...
谁说面包车就开不快的 Romain Dumas驾驶福特SuperVan以1:56.28的成绩,干掉了上周Jules Gounon驾驶的“爆改”AMG GT3拿下了赛道封闭座舱的记录#面包车#福特#MG 连播 倍速 视频播放出错了 点击下载截图 少数派报告 关注 说句实话:日常用车,油耗真的不重要! 对于部分消费者来说,车辆的油耗可能很重要。诚然,油耗低的...
谁说面包车就开不快的 Romain Dumas驾驶福特SuperVan以1:56.28的成绩,干掉了上周Jules Gounon驾驶的“爆改”AMG GT3拿下了赛道封闭座舱的记录#赛车 #福特 #巴瑟斯特 - 嗨跑赛车HiPole于20240225发布在抖音,已经收获了12.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
“As Jules is contesting the season as a Mercedes-AMG Performance Driver, the final decision to release him is on us. “However, this is a huge opportunity for Jules, from which we can also benefit in GT racing. “That’s why we have decided together with our customer team Climax to ...
Jules Gounon hailed his Intercontinental GT Challenge powered by Pirelli drivers’ title triumph as a “crazy” conclusion to a highly successful campaign, although he feared a broken splitter in the closing stages would derail his championship charge. ...
梅赛德斯-AMG厂队车手Jules Gounon正式确认将在2023赛季转为安道尔籍参与GT赛事。 这位出生于法国奥伯纳的车手在即将过去的2022年跑出了个人职业生涯最辉煌的一个赛季,接连赢下 #卡拉米9小时耐力赛#、#巴瑟斯特...
Jules Gounon自2016年开始便一直活跃在SRO比赛中,2016年与Konrad一同参与了几轮比赛,随后在2017年代表Audi Sport Team Saintéloc赢得了斯帕24小时耐力赛,同年ADAC GT Masters比赛中,他代表Callaway赢得了GT Masters年度冠军。2017年的强势表现助力他在随后成为了宾利官方车手。2021年起,他成为了AMG官方车手活跃在过去...
“A big thank you to Luca and Jules because they kept they kept [pushing]. The car never had the speed really, to be honest, to overtake like last year or the year before. We didn’t have that. “It was always uphill. Everything was an uphill battle and they drove amazing. ...
“Our reserve driver, Jules Gounon, will become a full time driver after preparing for this role over the past year. As for Frédéric Makowiecki, his experience, feedback, and race craft will all be assets that will bolster our progress. ...