6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 8 GET_ITER >> 10 FOR_ITER 28 (to 40) 12 STORE_FAST 0 (i) # for j in range(2): 8 14 SETUP_LOOP 22 (to 38) 16 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (range) 18 LOAD_CONST 1 (2) 20 CALL_FUNCTION 1 22 GET_ITER >> 24 FOR_ITER 10 (to 36) 26 STORE_FAST 1 (j) # goto ...
The idea ofgotoin Python isn't new. There isanother modulethat has been released as April Fool's joke in 2004. That implementation doesn't touch the bytecode, but uses a trace function, similar to how debuggers are written. While this eliminates the need for a decorator, it comes with...
使用函数或方法:将需要重复执行的代码封装成函数或方法,通过调用函数来实现重复执行。 def my_function(): # 重复执行的代码块 for i in range(10): my_function() 复制代码 总之,Python中没有直接支持goto语句的用法,但你可以使用循环和条件语句来代替,以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。 0 赞 0 踩最新问答Ubu...
1、首先点击输入下方的代码:from goto import *@patch def f2():goto(10)2、然后输入下方的代码:print 'should not see this'label(10)for i in range(1,99999):print i 3、然后在输入下方的代码就完成了:if i == 5:goto('out')label('out')f2()...
对于具有复杂加载模式的页面,page.wait_for_function()是定义自定义等待条件的强大且可扩展的方法。 page.goto("http://example.com") page.wait_for_function("() => window.amILoadedYet()")# Ready to take a screenshot, according to the page itself.page.screenshot() ...
Python保留字简介 True与False if、elif与else in del for/while与break and,or与not def, return与yield class from, import与as assert is pass None try, except, else与finally with与as global nonlocal lambda await与async 本文是学习Python 3 (目前最新是3.7.3rc1版本) 的官方文档时形成的阅读与实验...
goto for Python http://entrian.com/goto/ 看了看源代码,原来是通过给所有函数修改trace,然后在异常时就会执行设置的函数 # Install the trace function, including all preceding frames. sys.settrace(_trace) frame = sys._getframe().f_back while frame:...
my_function() # 调用函数 在上面的例子中,my_function是一个简单的函数调用示例。在复杂程序中,可以通过函数来组织代码块,实现不同的功能。 2. 使用函数模拟 GOTO 假设我们有以下需求:根据不同的条件执行不同的代码块。我们可以使用函数来模拟goto的功能: ...
(it's a function call, not an attribute lookup on the bytecode-level), it is ignored when the@with_gotodecorator rewrites the bytecode. Furthermore, in order to support calculated jump targets, we'd have to keep a mapping of names and their destination, and resolve them at runtime....
6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 8 GET_ITER >> 10 FOR_ITER 28 (to 40) 12 STORE_FAST 0 (i) # for j in range(2): 8 14 SETUP_LOOP 22 (to 38) 16 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (range) 18 LOAD_CONST 1 (2) 20 CALL_FUNCTION 1 22 GET_ITER >> 24 FOR_ITER 10 (to 36) ...