You can use this command only in batch programs.The goto command directs MS-DOS within a batch program to a line identified by a label. When MS-DOS finds the label, it processes the commands beginning on the next line.On This PageSyntax Graphics Help HIMEM.SYS If Include Install Interlnk...
Directs cmd.exe to a labeled line in a batch program. Within a batch program, goto directs command processing to a line that is identified by a label. When the label is found, processing continues starting with the commands that begin on the next line....
代码语言:batch 复制 @echooffsetlocalenabledelayedexpansionfor%%iin(12345)do(echo%%iif%%i==3(goto:break)):breakechoLoop interrupted. 在上述示例中,for循环会迭代1到5之间的数字,并输出每个数字。当循环到3时,会执行goto :break语句,跳转到标签:break处,输出"Loop interrupted."。
Directs cmd.exe to a labeled line in a batch program. Within a batch program, this command directs command processing to a line that is identified by a label. When the label is found, processing continues starting with the commands that begin on the next line....
UseIF ELSEandGOTOStatement in Batch Script IF ... ELSEis a conditional command. Besides,GOTOis a keyword through which you can skip specific parts of a code from execution. The general format forIF ... ELSEisIF [CONDITION] [COMMANDS] ELSE [COMMANDS], and the general format forGOTOisGOTO...
在PHP中,goto是一种用于无条件跳转到指定标签的控制结构。它允许程序从一个地方跳转到另一个地方,但只能在同一函数内进行。goto通常用于简化循环结构或逻辑控制,但在现代编程实践中,它被认为是一种不好的做法,因为它导致代码难以阅读和维护。 以下是一个简单的示例: ...
label:Specifies the line in a batch program that you want to go to. /?:Displays help at the command prompt. Remarks Working with command extensions If command extensions are enabled (that is, the default) and you use thegotocommand with a target label of:EOF, you transfer control to the...
I have a batch file roughly with the following code: @echo off ( set /p x= set /p y= ) < settings.cdb IF DEFINED x ( IF DEFINED y ( ECHO true GoTo :EOF ) ) ECHO false GoTo :EOF In Java, I have the following code to call the batch file via command line: ProcessBuilder ...
OK, I have changed my batch file to say :loop now. Thanks. Help text should say LABEL and use in batch files or menus, also goto %x% or goto %1 works without needing preceding colon !BAT #usage /test.g4b test goto :fred pause :fred echo fred set d=doris goto %d% pause :doris...
SpecialEditorCommandEventHandler SqlWorkbenchHierarchy SQLWorkbenchPackage SQLWorkbenchPackage.OptionsPage SQLWorkbenchToolsOptionsPage SQLWorkbenchToolsOptionsPage.DefaultToolsOptionPage SsmsInformation TextBuffer TextSpan TextViewCommandFilter VirtualBaseNode VSContextMenus VsDataSupport VSHierarchyCommands V...