Gothic architecture was originally referred to asOpus Francigenum, or “French Work,” until the 16th century when it became known as “Gothic.” The rich history of Gothic architecture is divided into three distinct phases: Early, High, and Late. Each is characterized by different design elem...
Gothic architecture lasted until the late 1500s around the beginning of the Renaissance when it was gradually replaced. But the Gothic style would reappear again at different times and places in history for its association with religion or morality. And the term Gothic architecture wasn't used bac...
Gothic Architecture in Europe The Gothic style wasn't limited to just France. This type of ornate architecture spread across Europe, finding a foothold in Italy, Germany, Spain, and England. Though each country gave the style its own twist,international Gothicstill retains the basic elements found...
gothic哥特式architecturearchbuttresses建筑 Group61AbstractAsoneofthethreearchitecturalstylesinthemedievalWest,Gothicarchitecturerepresentscharacteristicsofthetime,thesacredmysteries,nobledignity,gorgeoussensoryeffectscausedbytheheavenoftheworld’sattractiveness.Asanartstyle,Gothicstylemakingthemedievalwesternartforms-sculpture,...
monumental west fronts with twin towers and great doors between and below them...The whole history of Gothic architecture in France is also characterized by a spirit of perfect structural allow all of the structural members to be controlling elements in the actual visual impression....
beganaroundthemiddleofthe12thcenturyandlastedtotheendofthe15thcenturyandinsomeplaces,the16thcentury.RomanesquestylepavedthewayfortheGothicstyle.Gothicarchitecture:GeneralAppearance:ArchitecturalElements:1.Brightandcolorfulspace 1.Pointedarches/RibbedVaults 2.Soaringheight 2.Flyingbuttress 3.Verticallines 3....
Royal Portal at Chartres were formally no more than splendid humanized columns, by the 13th cent. individual sculptural elements became more important and less united with the architecture. The portal figures of the cathedral at Reims provide an eloquent example of the trend toward sculptural ...
search The Cologne Cathedral in Germany is considered a perfect combination of all medieval Gothic and decorative elements of Gothic architecture (English: Gothic) (Architecture) or translated Gothic architecture, a style of architecture that flourished in the middle and late peaks of the middle ages...