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WSGgot2b胖东来线上超市跨境现货GluedSpray造型发胶喷 正常规格 1.25oz黄色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Specifications: Material: Liquid Quantity: 1 lot Got2b Products: got2b volumaniac bodifying mousse, got2b glued extreme freeze spray, got2b powderful volumizing Remover: 30ml Wax Stick: 75g Lace Tint Stick: 8g Features: **Versatile Adhesive Solutions for Your Hair Needs** The Super Lace Wig ...
Got2be U|Enhance your style with the Schwarzkopf got2b glued 2in1 gel for brow and edges, a versatile adhesive suitable for natural hair and wigs. This 6oz spray ensures long-lasting hold and easy application.
Cool tip for extra grip: Slightly dampen tips of spikes and reapply a small amount of glued Gets your spikes super stiff For long-lasting hold, finish your style with a shot of Got2b glued blasting freeze spray ©2019 Henkel Corporation. ...
Got2b Glued Styling Spiking Hair Gel, 6 oz (Count of 3) Add $25.99current price $25.99Got2b Glued Styling Spiking Hair Gel, 6 oz (Count of 3) 704.3 out of 5 Stars. 70 reviews Got2b Glued Styling Spiking Hair Gel, 6 oz Add $5.84current price $5.84Got2b Glued Styling Spiking Hair...
9.1 oz SpraysGot2b Glued Blasting Freeze Hairspray, 12 oz SpraysGot2b Beach Trippin' Texturizing Spray, Hair Spray, 9.1 oz SpraysGot2b Flex Insta Hold Hair Spray , 9.1 oz - 6 Pack SpraysGot2b High Insta Hold Hair Spray, 9.1 oz SpraysNot Your Mother's All Eyes on Me 10-in-1 Hair Pe...
Safe for Natural Hair:Rest assured, got2b glued is safe for natural hair, maintaining its integrity. Edge Control:This got2b glued spray is an edge control hair spray, keeping your hair in place. Multi-Purpose Use:Not just for hair, this got2b glued spray doubles as a melting spray for...
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