When fighting as U.S.A., or ally, front troops against whatever is the Goyim target that “Jewry”/”The Jews” are focusing their current hate upon, be re-assured that these dudes (some 50 % of the top-brass) have you covered in your rear: https://henrymakow.com/AMER%20jew-gene...
Got Your VAX Passport Yet? A great divide is crystallizing. It will be cast in die by vaccine passports. Whether by code or by face, resist and you’re banned from many a place. You can go with the flow or swim upstream. “Gaining freedom” will be the brand new meme. [Clip] [”...
The Race for Your Body and Mind The mantra about viruses has been played since the time of Pasteur who recanted his theory on his deathbed. The only thing that jumps from person to person is frequency! “Please remember that to possess INFORMATION, you must sift through mountains of disinform...
The Race for Your Body and Mind The mantra about viruses has been played since the time of Pasteur who recanted his theory on his deathbed. The only thing that jumps from person to person is frequency! “Please remember that to possess INFORMATION, you must sift through mountains of disinform...
You’ll show your QR code, they’ll stick a swab in your nose, and you’ll be ready to go.Last Things To DoOne piece of advice I give all the players I’ve worked with is, “Save your brain for buckets.” This phrase was born from an interview where basketball player Malik Monk...
Fact Check: Is wearing AirPods like having a microwave on your head? Video of Marathi actor falsely shared as Delhi Chief Miniater Rekha Gupta Maha Kumbh: Kerala governor, family take holy dip at Sangam FACT CHECK: Can swallowing papaya seeds prevent pregnancy Art for a cause: Wayanad wa...
What gets up your nose about them? Realistically, only jockeys, pugillists and military personnel are likely to face the pain & suffering of job loss, in connection with avoirdupois. Let’s say your doctor hectors you, “If you don’t lose some weight, you’re going to die!” You ...
captured headlines around the clock. Millions have now watched passenger-taken videos of Dr. David Dao being brutally dragged off the plane to make room for United employees. His frequent flyer bonus was a broken nose, concussion, and two missing teeth. Not exactly “flying the friendly skies....
TRUMP OR YOUR LYING EYES? Trump took to Twitter to say that, by "whatever," he meant blood coming out of her nose and accused his critics of having "dirty minds." See? Totally fine! Do you really think the "Grab 'em by the pussy" guy would say something so sexist? 5. WHAT WE...