stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词。本句话里是过去分词。
Can we see the operator logs and pod describe which is stucked I post the result of pod describe above, I can fix this by manually deleting the pod with "--force" flag, but it happens every time, Is there a way to solve this problem permanently? or can you get the root cause of ...
And you reproduced the problem with 20.12? Or you just upgrade the clickhouse and it starts processing existing files? Why Clickhouse does not move those files to the broken Directory but gets stucked? Can you provide full stacktrace? Error from the provided logs should mark the file as broken...
stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词。本句话里是过去分词。
I cant install the Chromium.Web.Store.crx i got stucked ... and with no ublock origin this is useless .. Contributor PF4Public commented Mar 16, 2020 • edited Please, kindly provide more information on the issue, so that we could help. For example: what exactly has been done, what...