have the capacity or potential to do something. informal See also: have, something, to Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017 have it ˈin you (to do something) have the unexpected ability, determination, courage, etc. to do something: She managed to finish the crossword all on...
step1 1a.draw students’ attention to the sample answer.check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.ask students to do the crossword individually or in pairs.check the answers.ask different students to read out and spell the answers. ...
-- and I suddenly saw him, sitting directly across from me doing the crossword puzzle. KATHLEEN (V.O.) How'd you know it was him? FRANK (V.O.) He looked exactly the same as his high school yearbook picture, which happens to be the last photograph ever taken of him. Frank takes...
1.Cupid2.IntellectualQuotient(I.Q.)3.TheMediterraneanSea4.TheAtlanticandPacificOcean5.SpainandPortugal6.TheAleutianIslands7.SamuelTaylorColeridge8.Agamemnon9.AlexanderPope10.Anchovyandalbatross AnalysisofText ALoveStory 1.Wheredoesthewriterbegintotellushislovestory?2.Whateffortsdidthewritermaketoattracthis...
groundupenoughpencilstofuelacampfire.Alas,Debbiewasfarbeyondmywildestdreams.Wewereseparatednotonlybyfiverowsofdesks,butbyabout50I.Q.points.ShewasthetopstudentinEnglishII,theappleofMrs.Larrivee’seye.5Occasionally,Debbiewouldcatchmestaringather,andshe wouldflashasmilethatradiatedintelligenceandquickenedmy heart...
It's unlikely Space Force will ever "compete" with the Air Force in the truest sense of the word — especially considering how much help the Air Force is offering to help get Space Force off the ground. 7. Space Force doesn't seem all that thrilled about Space Force. Space Force ...
Within a couple of months one of the small store owners who had placed multiple orders, introduced me to a bigger distributor (let’s call him Big D) who supplied books to many such mom-n-pop shops (not the bigger chains like Landmark & Crossword) across the state. ...
While millions of Americans were busy staking out prime eclipse-watching spots on the ground, a few lucky travelers were getting ready to view it from the air. Whether the routes were planned out in advance or simply happened to cross the path of totality, those who were able to witness th...
Phoebe:Why? Just 'cause you're too lazy to get up off your touchie? Rachel:No! No! It's just that all the people in the entireworld thatIwant to talk to are right here. Phoebe:(smiles) Okay! (Goes to answer the phone.)
One day I was browsing through the library. I spotted Debbie sitting at a table, absorbed in a crossword puzzle. She was frowning, apparently stumped on a word. I leaned over and asked if I could help. “Four –letter word Oriental female servant,” Debbie said. “Try amah,” I said...