[ERROR] Got error 203 when reading table '.\test\t0023' 2017-04-16T06:16:09.341656Z 12 [ERROR] Got error 203 when reading table '.\test\t0023' Tests expect to hit this sometimes : 3572 Do not wait for lock. MySQL error code 203: Do not wait for lockHow to repeat:random tests ...
MySQL故障:Got error 127 when reading table '.bbsuchome_friend'解决办法: 利用命令行,执行MySQL的bin目录下MySQL.exe; 输入以下命令(括号及括号内内容为命令行的解释,不用输入): use bbs;(将执行数据库切换到bbs) CHECK TABLE uchome_friend;(检查数据库uchome_friend是否存在问题,一般肯定有问题,没有问题就不...
MySQL故障:Got error 127 when reading table '.cly_word'原因:数据库正在进行存取的时候,突然自动重引起数据库文件损坏了。 解决办法: 利用命令行,执行MySQL的bin目录下MySQL.exe;通俗点,就是利用cmd进入数据库。输入以下命令(括号及括号内内容为命令行的解释,不用输入): 代码语言:javascript 复制 SQL复制SQL复制...
050710 14:15:26 [ERROR] Got error 12 when reading table './newco/io_export_message_blob' - But on July 10, we get this for the first time: 050710 14:34:59 [ERROR] Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use '...
2017-05-10T05:28:08.551990Z 3 [ERROR] Got error 155 when reading table './test/t1'How to repeat:DROP DATABASE test;CREATE DATABASE test;USE test; CREATE TABLE t1(c1 YEAR KEY,c2 INT,c3 BINARY); ALTER TABLE t1 DISCARD TABLESPACE; SELECT hex(c1),hex(c2) FROM t1 ORDER BY c1 DESC;...
[ERROR] Got error 127 when reading table './mobile/sms_mobile'这个错误。 现在怀疑这个错误和MYISAM存储引擎支持的并发读写有关系,因为这个表很重要先修复, 当时就去Google了一把,貌似不难 扫了一眼。顺便记录一下 进入数据库,要修复的库 mysql>use mobile; #切换到当前数据库 ...
环境:Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.18 模拟三个Terminal,实现当引用锁定表的查询被杀死时,错误日志中出现的Got error -1 when reading table Terminal A mysql>setsession autocommit=0; Query OK,0rowsaffected (0.00sec) mysql>createtablet1(i1intnotnullprimarykey, v2varchar(20)) engine=innodb; ...
Can i determine when a service was changed? can i point a domain user account to the old one? can I remove .hdmp files in C:\WINDOWS\PCHEALTH\ERRORREP\UserDumps ? it takes 7 Go on drive C: Can I setup a software RAID in Windows Server 2012 R2 using Virtual Hard Disks? Can I st...
Written By Posted Got error -1 when reading table 2774 Cody Ainsworth August 05, 2015 06:41AM Re: Got error -1 when reading table 1557 Rick James August 06, 2015 10:40PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....