SN 277-80: Guidelines for the Fabrication of Cellular Concrete Products SN 428-74: Guidelines for the Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Shaped Structural Glass SN 481-75: Instruction on design, installation and operation insulating glass units ...
GOST 481-80: Compressed asbestos fibre sheets and gaskets from it. SpecificationsGOST 5494-95: Pigmentary aluminium. SpecificationsGOST 550-75: Seamless steel tubes for petroleum processing and petrochemical industry. SpecificationsGOST 5520-79: Carbon, low-alloy and alloy sheet steel for boilers and...
120,481 N. 26 400/64 26 4.34 mm. 7 3.40 mm. 129,183 N. 27 400/93 30 4.15 mm. 19 2.50 mm. 173,715 N. 28 500/27 76 2.84 mm. 7 2.20 mm. 112,188 N. 29 500/64 54 3.40 mm. 7 3.40 mm. 148,257 N. 30 600/72 54 3.70 mm. 19 ...
120,481 N. 26 400/64 26 4.34 mm. 7 3.40 mm. 129,183 N. 27 400/93 30 4.15 mm. 19 2.50 mm. 173,715 N. 28 500/27 76 2.84 mm. 7 2.20 mm. 112,188 N. 29 500/64 54 3.40 mm. 7 3.40 mm. 148,257 N. 30 600/72 54 3.70 mm....
致力于最简单好用的GOST小白脚本. Contribute to joyi911/Multi-EasyGost development by creating an account on GitHub.
GOST12815—80* 1.ThisStandardpertainstopipelineandconnectingpartsflanges,aswellastoconnectingflangesofvalves,machines,apparatus,sleevesofapparatusandtanksforPNrangingfrom0,1до20,0MPa(1to200kgf/cm2)andmediumtemperaturefrom20to873К(minis253to plus600 °С)and to flanges with Teflon gaskets for PN ...
GOST 12815-80 Table 3 (Cont.) D i m e n s i o n s in mm D3 D4 D5 D6 d п h h1 h2 B Series 1 Series 2 Nominal diameter of bolts or studs 336 381 431 481 531 631 736 841 336 386 436 489 541 635 737 841 356 407 457 507 557 657 762 867 356 406 456 509 561 66...
напоГОСТ12818-80 Литыестальныепо1,6(16)15-1600 ГОСТ12819-802,5(25)15-1400 4,0(40)15-800 6,3(63)15-600 10(100)15-400 16(160)15-300 20(200)15-250 Стальныеплоскиепри-0,1;0,25(1;2,5)10-2400 ...
型号:GOST12820-80 直径:15-2000mm 执行标准:俄标 PN6-PN63 供应商信息 公司地址山东省济南市章丘区官庄街道任家村工业园统一社会信用代码91370181769708489E 组织机构代码76970848-9注册资本5848.42万人民币 营业期限36869-03-10至无固定期限经营状态开业
1.5 kg/m 1,870 2,121 2,413 2,636 2,909 3,184 3,504 3,779 4,191 4,481 50,80 2 lb/ft 1.699 1.933 2.201 2.409 2.67 2.929 3.246 3.499 3.896 4.185 2 kg/m 2,533 2,876 3,281 3,591 3,974 4,362 4,816 5,210 5,807 6,232 63,50 2 1/2 lb/ft 2.1...