组别:B05 关于GOST 2246-70《钢焊丝技术规范》,(请参照再版版本<1993年7月>),包含第1、2、3、4、5次修订内容;2002年11月再版版本,包含第1、2、3、4、5次修订的修订内容。在什么位置 内容 应该为:第3.1条表2“焊条牌号”栏。对于低碳素钢而言 Св-10Г4 Св-10ГА 第3.16条.表4“焊条...
焊丝2 Св-30Х25Н16Г7-Ш GOST 2246-70 . 用来进行焊接(堆焊)的、带有镀铜表面的、直径为1.6mm的Св-08Г2С牌号焊丝: 焊丝1.6, Св-08Г2С-О GOST 2246-70 用于制作焊丝的、由真空感应炉熔炼出来的钢制成的、带有镀铜表面的、直径为2.5mm 的Св-08ХГСМФА牌号焊丝: 焊丝2.5Св-08...
2246-1970-E2003-ENG English Ghosts 《GOST-2246-1970-E2003-ENG.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GOST-2246-1970-E2003-ENG.pdf(29页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 ussr state standard welding steel wire specifications gost 2246-70 official edition english version approved by interstandard stand...
GOST 2246-70: Welding steel wire. Specifications GOST 22727-77: Thick sheet steel. Methods of ultrasonic testing of continuity GOST 22727-88: Rolled sheet. Ultrasonic test methods GOST 23118-78: Structural metalwork. General specifications
MU 2246-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of hydrogen fluoride in the airMU 2247-80: Guidelines for the photometric determination of soluble and water-insoluble salts of hydrofluoric acid in the airMU 2248-80: Guidelines for chromatographic determination of phenol, furfural and furyl ...
GOST 2246-70 p.3 Table(cont.)Maximum deviation Maximum deviationominaliameter ofire wire intendedor weldingfusing) wire intendedor electrodeanufacturing Stipulatediameter ofire wire intendedor weldingfusing) wire intendedor electrodeanufacturing.6 4.0.0 5.00.12 –0.06 6.0 –0.16 –0.12.5 8.0 –0.2...
GOST 2246-70: Welding steel wire. SpecificationsGOST 22469-77: Swimming rubber flippersGOST 22477-77: Means for fastening package cargoes in boxcars. General technical requirementsGOST 22510-77: Polyester-nylon industrial fabrics for rubber mechanical goods. Specifications...
GOST 2246-70: Welding steel wire. Specifications GOST 2283-79: Cold-rolled tape made of tool steel and spring steel GOST 22897-86: Seamless cold-deformed pipes from alloys based on titanium. Specifications GOST 23304-78: Bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged connections for atomic power ...