GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test GOST 1577-93: Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel. GOST 19281-2014: High strength rolled steel. General specification GOST 19281-73: Low alloyed sorted and shaped steel ...
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test GOST 16523-89: Rolled sheets from carbon quality and ordinary steel for general purposes GOST 1763-68: Steel. Methods for determination of decarbonised layer depth GOST 18895-97: Steel. Method of photoelectric spectral analysis ...
技术条件GOST1497(1973)金属。拉力试验方法GOST1469-1974PIK纸GOST1465-1980锉刀技术条件第3号修改单GOST1465-1980锉刀技术条件GOST14 38、35-1974碳素工具钢GOST1415-1978硅铁技术条件GOST1414-1975具有较高和高切削加工性能的结构钢GOST1412-1985片状石墨锻铁牌号GOST1412-1985灰口铸铁件GOST1391-1970打孔纸带GOST1371-...
GOST 1497-84 GOST 1778-70 GOST 2789-73 GOST 4728-89 GOST 7565-81 GOST 9454-78 GOST 10243-75 GOST 14192-77 GOST 15150-69 GOST 21650-76 GOST 22780-77 代替标准 ГОСТ 30272-96 中华人民共和国铁道标准 适用范围: 本标准适用于制造铁道机车车辆的车轴,包括1520毫米轨距的铁路货车。具体规定了...
1497 73 aapcmehhora komhteta cccp no ctawptam ot 16 07 84 n o 2515 4 ctampt nomhoctb10 cocvrsetctsyet ct c3b 471 88 h cootbetctbyet m c o 6892 84 il0 cj 0cni mc iqiw npobeaehh10 hcllmtahhh h o6pa 60tke pe3j jiblxltob hcmahhfi metajijlob h h3jwihfi h3 x h a...
General specifications 1997 GOST 924 1497 METALS Tension Test Methods - Incorporating Amendment No. 1: August 1987; Amendment No. 2: October 1989 and 1997 GOST Amendment No. 2: May 1990; Includes Corrigendum: 04/2014 and Corrigendum: 11/2014 925 30530 Noise CALCULATION METHODS FOR MAXIMUM ...
GOST1497-84Metals.Tensiletestmethods GOST1643-81Basicinterchangeabilitynorms.Cylindricalgearings.Tolerances GOST2789-73Surfaceroughness.Parametersandcharacteristics GOST4543-71Alloyedstructuralrolledsteel.Specifications GOST5639-82Steelsandalloys.Grainsizerevealinganddeterminationmethods ...
GOST1497-84Metals.Tensiletestmethods GOST1643-81Basicinterchangeabilitynorms.Cylindricalgearings.Tolerances GOST2789-73Surfaceroughness.Parametersandcharacteristics GOST4543-71Alloyedstructuralrolledsteel.Specifications GOST5639-82Steelsandalloys.Grainsizerevealinganddeterminationmethods ...
GOST 1497-73: Metals. Tensile test methods GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test GOST 16210-77: Railway rails type P75. Design and dimensions GOST 22235-76: Freight cars for 1520 mm gauge main line railways. General requirements for safety in loading-unloading and shunting operations ...