for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will ...
Scriven as a poem to comfort his mother, who was still living in Ireland after he had emigrated to Canada. Fitzgerald’s haunting version features backing from the Ralph Carmichael Choir. What A Friend We Have In Jesus Click to load video Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water “God...
Everlasting promise With you I'll never die In the midst of weary days I find my strength in prayer You turn my sorrows into joy Your love is everywhere Like the woman at the well I'm filled with living water In your presence I am whole Forever your dear daughter Oh everlasting promise...
The disciple will not turn away from His word. We will continue walking with Jesus.The truth that has set us free is the means to attain this freedom. It is life. It is the food that satisfies. It is Jesus Christ who is the word; the water of life that quenches the thirst of a...
This is the power of baptismal water—it renews. It enlivens. Even in the midst of death, it raises up. Even when they feel like they have no living water to offer, the Holy Spirit provides, and there’s water to share. “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you...
You have always included faith-based songs throughout your career, from "Jesus, Take The Wheel" to "Something in the Water." With everything going on in the world, were you nervous at all to put out a specifically faith-based project?
Again, Jesus' words sound much like his promises of living water to the woman at the well (4:13-14). But they don't believe. The "I AM" Passages "Then Jesus declared, 'I amthe bread of life.'" (John 6:35a) This is the first of seven "I AM" passages in John, that include...
TWO MINUTES TOWARD MEANINGFUL LIVING Gospel Values books make greatgifts any time of year! Watch "Big Al Live" series here! Purchase Faith-Filled Lullabies book and CD Looking for great gifts? Browse the Products page to see all of the books from Fr. Joe and Big Al. ...
when they send me a plant, that has a root on it all I have to do is water it. And it will grow & grow. Well thats the same way it is with gospel music. Its pretty & last for a little while. But one thing about traditional gospel it will never die. Because that is our ...
2017. “They comforted people through times of slavery, and during recent years we needed them to comfort us again. But a lot of the students today do not know about the history of these songs, and they should. So I’m out here putting water on the flowers, because they ...