There is an unquestionable healing power in her singing which seems to accept and contain, unafraid, the inevitable pain of life even while her voice is uplifted by a faith which insists that no journey of pain has to be walked alone. The penultimate version featured is by Randy Travis perh...
When do you feel most connected spiritually? I've been singing my whole life, even before I knew that this [was] going to be what I do. I'm a bird. I sing. It's what I do. When I sing songs like this, I definitely feel connected. With the Christmas album, too...
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God...
ranging from Franklin doing the running man to arranging a call with the mother of Ahmaud Aubrey, the man who was recently killed by three white men in Georgia.The event, which the men titled “The Healing,” also spoke to the staying power of both Franklin and Hammond’s music, both in...
In the Presentation, we are also reminded of that choice that comes for us every time we enter the temple: do we look for God with the angels, or do we look for God in the broken-but-healing lives all around us? And finally, the candles we see on this day and every day remind ...
Returning to the group to sing tenor is Bubba Epps. Epps sang with the quartet several years ago but retired from singing due to some health issues. Being an ordained minister coupled with his tenor voice, there were different plans in his future. After improved and healing health, doors ope...
Hunley also said that he felt the album brought some healing. In the course of ten years (1999-2009), the singer lost both of his parents and a brother. He admitted that the music on “Wayfarin’ Stranger” helped him. “A lot of this music reminded me that I will see them again,...
wee hours. “Jack was a real martinet,” says Wood. “We were there [at rehearsals] for almost four or five hours. He had a really great way of teaching us the songs. He would go through each part and kind of hum or strum it until you got it. And then we put it ...
The Healing has begun. No Guru. No Method. No Teacher. Just Van and that Voice. It ain’t why, why, why, it just IS. A voice capable of transcendence as only the rarest voices are. A voice that reaches up to the Moon. Don’t you love the Sound!
Hunley also said that he felt the album brought some healing. In the course of ten years (1999-2009), the singer lost both of his parents and a brother. He admitted that the music on “Wayfarin’ Stranger” helped him. “A lot of this music reminded me that I will see them again,...