In 1 Cor 15:3-8 Paul delivers what he had received, and what he calls his Gospel (euvaggelion): the death and burial, the resurrection and appearance of Christ on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures. The analysis of vv. 3-7 shows that we have to dea...
It seems ironic to me that Easter Sunday and April’s Fool’s Day would coincide. Celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not a joking matter. It is truth, not trickery. We can read eyewitness accounts of hundreds of people who saw Jesus alive after His crucifi...
1. often Gospel The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central content of Christian revelation. 2. a. Gospel Bible One of the first four New Testament books, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching. b. ...
The reason Paul mentions the elements he did in 1 Corinthians 15, is because he is trying to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul is not saying that when we witness to others, we have to tell them about Christ’s appearances to Peter and James and the apostles and 500 others an...
Matthew's gospel closes with accounts of Jesus' resurrection and his appearance to the disciples. Early in the morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and another Mary came to the tomb where Jesus' body was placed. They were met by an angel, who told them that Jesus was ...
The Acts of the Apostles, the General Epistles and the Letters of Saint Paul, and the Book of Revelation are included as proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Also included are relevant accounts of the period of the first century from the writings of Eusebius, Josephus, Suetonius, Tacitus ...
The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are filled with accounts of Jesus’ orders to those he healed, “go your way and tell nobody what was done.” Why all the mysterious blanks in scriptural revelation? God intends for us to have a relationship with His Spirit (The Holy Ghost)...
gospel1 of 2noun often capitalized the Christian message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation capitalized one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ something accepted as the truth or as a guiding principle ...
Recently, as I was reading The Gospel of John, I realized that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is both simple and deep. The problem many Christians have, after 2000 years of the history of the Church of Jesus Christ, is that they were born again in their youth, and they have never felt ...
resurrection takes on thematic issues that give important meaning to Jesus’ own revelation, “I am the resurrection and the life”. Keywords: resurrection;Gospel of John;preaching;homiletics;trauma;Farewell Discourse 1. Introduction Resurrection preaching is a special kind of homiletic. While Easter...