config.Logger.Error(context.Background(),"failed to initialize database, got error %v", err) }return} 可以看到,clone的初始值为1,我们现在知道,当我们连接数据库,得到一个db实例的时候,clone默认为1; 继续,让我们看一下session函数,即db配置函数的源码的一部分: func(db *DB)Session(config *Session)...
[error] failed to initialize database, got error Binary was compiled with 'CGO_ENABLED=0', go-sqlite3 requires cgo to work. This is a stubpanic: failed to connect database 出现错误了设置: go env -w CGO_ENABLED=1 然后出现下面的错误: cgo: C compiler "gcc" not found: exec: "gcc": ...
Background(), "failed to initialize database, got error %v", err) } return } gorm.Open 函数完成 gorm.DB 的初始化,主要分为如下几个部分: 根据选项 option 初始化配置。如果某些配置未被初始化,则被置为缺省的配置。 将私有属性 clone 置为 1 表示使用 gorm.DB 对象时需要克隆,全局 gorm.DB 对象...
[error] failed to initialize database, got error commands out of sync. Did you run multiple statements at once? panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference ->*DB).getInstance -> C:/files/projects/golang/ src/
在正式进入主题前,先说说框架的现状,个人用的是gin-gonic框架,这是个在校大学生写的基于go语言的高性能web框架,在此之前我对比过beego 、 iris 、gin-gonic这几个在维护频度和依赖支持以及star热度方面,个人选择了gin-gonic这个框架 ,同时也在github上选用了一套比较前卫的成型的框架代码,东西十分的好,但是...
= nil { panic("error connecting to database")}db.AutoMigrate()}我得到了错误:[error] failed to initialize database, got error unable to open tcp connection with host 'localhost:1433': dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively ...
Config{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return database, nil } func main() { database, err := Init("example.db") if database == nil { fmt.Println(err) return } } Runtime error [error] failed to initialize database, got error Binary was compiled with 'CGO_ENABLED=0',...
("failed to connect database") } // 自动迁移模式 db.AutoMigrate(&Product{}) // 插入3条示例数据 db.Create(&Product{Code: "D42", Price: 100}) db.Create(&Product{Code: "D43", Price: 200}) db.Create(&Product{Code: "D44", Price: ...
Background(), "failed to initialize database, got error %v", err) } return } // Session create new db session func (db *DB) Session(config *Session) *DB { var ( txConfig = *db.Config tx = &DB{ Config: &txConfig, Statement: db.Statement, Error: db.Error, ...
database=gorm"db,err:=gorm.Open(sqlserver.Open(dsn),&gorm.Config{})iferr!=nil{panic("failed to connect database")}deferdb.DB()// 迁移 schemadb.AutoMigrate(&Product{})// 创建记录db.Create(&Product{Code:"D42",Price:100})// 查询记录varproductProductdb.First(...