, email).First(&user) // 使用gorm.ErrRecordNotFound检查是否存在记录 return !errors.Is(result.Error, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) } 在这个示例中: 我们首先连接到SQLite数据库,并自动迁移User模型以适配数据库表结构。 然后,我们定义了一个checkRecordExists函数,该函数接受数据库连接和要检查的电子邮件...
// Create create hook func Create(config *Config) func(db *gorm.DB) { supportReturning := utils.Contains(config.CreateClauses, "RETURNING") return func(db *gorm.DB) { // 生成 sql if db.Statement.SQL.Len() == 0 { db.Statement.SQL.Grow(180) db.Statement.AddClauseIfNotExists(clause....
could addBeforeSave()functions that callBeforeCreate()so that they both do the same thing - unless this can lead to weird situations where, for example, one of theSave()implementations incorrectly assumes that a record already exists because a UID was generated by the callback before the check...
Namestring}// Add name fielddb.Migrator().AddColumn(&User{},"Name")// Drop name fielddb.Migrator().DropColumn(&User{},"Name")// Alter name fielddb.Migrator().AlterColumn(&User{},"Name")// Check column existsdb.Migrator().HasColumn(&User{},"Name")typeUserstruct{ ...
github.com/sirupsen/logrus: the logger library used to record logs when the program is running. golang.org/x/text: the text processing library used to handle Unicode strings, format numbers, and so on. gorm.io/driver/mysql: the GORM MySQL driver used to connect to and operate the MySQL ...
gorm 框架通过一个 gorm.DB 实例来指代我们所操作的数据库. 使用 gorm 的第一步就是要通过 Open 方法创建出一个 gorm.DB 实例,其中首个入参为连接器 dialector,本身是个抽象的 interface,其实现类关联了具体数据库类型.
} // If no record is found, gorm will return RecordNotFound error, you could check it with db.Where("name = ?", "hello world").First(&User{}).Error == gorm.RecordNotFound // Or use the shortcut method if db.Where("name = ?", "hello world").First(&user).RecordNotFound()...
activity.Trace.UpdatedBy = x_useriferr := checkDataActivity(activity.ActivityData); err {iferr := db.Create(&activity).Error; err !=nil{ c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err) }else{ c.JSON(http.StatusCreated, activity) }
// Get record with primary key (only works for integer primary key) db.First(&user,10) /// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 10; 9. Where 原始sql // Get first matched record db.Where("name = ?","jinzhu").First(&user) /